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Lowpass Filter

Circularly symmetric lowpass filters can be designed by assuming an idealized frequency response of the form  
H(k_x,k_y) = \left\{ \begin{array}
 1 & \mbox{for $\sqr...
 ...q{k_c}$\space } \\  0 & \mbox{otherwise}
 \right.\end{displaymath} (7)
where kc is the cutoff frequency in the one-dimensional case. The first step is to design the low-pass filter for the one-dimensional case. This can be done using any of the linear filtering techniques which determine the filter in some least squares sense with respect to the desired response. I used a Remez exchange algorithm Parks and Burrus (1987) which is a Fourier synthesis algorithm for real symmetric spectral functions with the weighted $L_\infty$ norm. It solves the problem: Given an ideal real symmetrical spectrum F0(f), $f=[0,\pi]$ find a(n), n=0,N such that:

max [W(f)\left(\sum_{n=0}^{N} {a(n)\cos(nf) - F_0(f)}\right)]\end{displaymath}

is minimum, where W(f) is weighting function.

Figure [*] shows the desired and the fitted spectrum obtained using a 21 term zero-phase filter. The filter in the space domain is a symmetrical filter as shown in Figure [*]. The filter coefficients correspond to hn in Figure [*]. The McClellan transformation filter is designed using the 5x5 filter shown in the Appendix. This filter corresponds to the G filter shown in Figure [*]. Once the filter coefficients hn are computed they are incorporated into the recursive structure shown in Figure [*]. The implementation is done in both space and wavenumber domains. The wavenumber domain response of the filter is shown in Figure [*]. A spike in x-y space was used to test the space-domain implementation. The output of the lowpass filter is a smoothed spike as shown in Figure [*]

Figure 3
1-D actual and desired spectra for the lowpass filter. The desired spectrum is given by the continuous curve and the fitted spectrum is given by the dashed curve.
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Figure 4
Twenty-one coefficient symmetric 1-D filter in the space domain corresponding to Fig 3. These are the filter coefficients hn used in the Chebyshev filter structure shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 5
Circularly symmetric 2-D filter corresponding to filter in Figure 4, designed using the first order McClellan transformation. The response is in the kx-ky domain. The two horizontal axes are the normalized wavenumbers kx and ky and they go from -0.5 to 0.5 cycles/s.
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Figure 6
Output of Lowpass Filter in the x-y domain. The filter implementation is in the x-y domain. The modified McClellan filter in space-domain is used to do the transformation.
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