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The tangent construction method described in Paper 1 is used to study the kinematics of the plume as a function of migration velocity. The tangent construction result presented in Figure 5 uses the same velocities used in Figure 4. The image begins as an undermigrated ``frown'', becomes a clockwise rotating plume in frames 3 ($\triangle V_{mig} =$-0.2) through 7 ($\triangle V_{mig} =$0.2), and finally forms the overmigration ``smile''. It is once again evident that the left side of the diffraction curve becomes the upper limb of the plume and the right side of the diffraction curve eventually becomes the left side of the ``smile''. Note the very close agreement between Figure 5 and Figure 4.

Figure 5
Tangent construction. The same migration velocities used in Figure 4 are used here.
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Stanford Exploration Project