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A reflection-seismic utility

Now let's try something a little more Geophysical. First, try hyperbolic stacking over a sweep of velocities:
Velan < Txx.H nv=50 v0=1.40 dv=.08 > Txx_Velan.H
echo 'label2="Velocity, km/s"' >> Txx_Velan.H
Contour < Txx_Velan.H | Tube
(Velan does not update label2, so we used the standard UNIX command ``echo'' to append a new label onto the end of the history file.)

The P-wave arrival seems to stack in at a velocity of about 3.4 km/sec; let's move out at that velocity:

NMO < Txx.H vel=3.4 | Wiggle pclip=100 max1=.8 poly=y | Tube
Hyperbolic move-out flattens out the P wave almost perfectly.

The shear arrivals seem to stack in at a velocity of about 2.05 km/sec; let's move out at that velocity:

NMO < Txx.H vel=2.05 | Wiggle pclip=100 max1=.8 poly=y | Tube
The picked move-out velocity appears to split the difference between two distinctly non-hyperbolic shear waves.[*] (See Figure [*]).

Figure 7
NMO < Txx.H vel=2.05 | Wiggle pclip=100 max1=.8 poly=y | Pspen

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Stanford Exploration Project