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Linear phase-encoded Born modeling

Within limits of the Born approximation of the acoustic wave equation, the seismic data $ {\bf d}$ recorded by a receiver at $ {\bf x_{r}}$ due to a shot at $ {\bf x_{s}}$ is given by

$\displaystyle { d}{(\bf x_{s}, x_{r},\omega})=\omega^{2} \sum_{\bf x}f_{\bf s}(\omega)G ({\bf x_{s}, x,\omega}) G ( {\bf x, x_{r},\omega}) m(\bf x),$ (1)

where $ \omega$ is frequency, $ {m(x)}$ is the reflectivity at image points $ {\bf x}$, $ f_{\bf s}(\omega)$ is the source waveform, and $ G ({\bf x_{s}, x,\omega})$ and $ G ({\bf x, x_{r},\omega})$ are respectively the GreenŐ's functions from shot $ {\bf x_{s}}$ to $ {\bf x}$ and from $ {\bf x}$ to $ {\bf x_{r}}$.

By considering randomized simultaneous source data as a special case of linear phase-encoded shot gathers, equation (1) is modified to include a concatenation of phase-shifted shots, from $ {\bf s}={\bf q}$ to $ {\bf s}={\bf p}$:

$\displaystyle {d}{(\bf x_{s_{pq}}, x_{r},\omega})=\sum_{\bf s=p}^{\bf q} a(\gam...
...\omega) G ({\bf x}_{\bf s}{\bf , x,\omega}) G ({\bf x, x_{r},\omega}) m(\bf x),$ (2)

where $ {\bf x_{s_{pq}}}$ defines the positions of the encoded sources, and

$\displaystyle a(\gamma_{\bf s})=e^{i\gamma_{\bf s}}=e^{i \omega t_{\bf s}},$ (3)

and $ \gamma_{\bf s}$, the linear time-delay function, depends on the delay time $ t_{\bf s}$ at shot $ {\bf s}$.

Relative shot-timing non-repeatability arises due to the uncertainty (Folland and Sitaram, 1997) associated with correct positioning of shots and receivers while maintaining the correct time delays $ t_{\bf s}$ between shots. This is particularly true for the blended acquisition geometry (Berkhout, 2008), where several (20 or more) shots are encoded into a single record.

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