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Mapping of PS-ADCIGs

  This appendix presents the derivation for the equations that allow to map the existing PS-ADCIGs that are a function of the half-aperture angle into two angle-domain common-image gathers. The first angle gather is a function of the P-incidence angle, the second angle gather depends on the S-reflection angle. The first element to obtain these mapping equations is Snell's law:

\frac{\sin\phi}{v_p} = \frac{\sin\sigma}{v_s}.\end{displaymath} (10)
The angles $\phi$ and $\sigma$ are the incidence and reflection angles, respectively. From the definition of the full-aperture angle, $\theta$,(equation [*]), I obtain the following:
\sigma & = & 2\theta - \phi,
\\ \phi & = & 2\theta - \sigma.\end{eqnarray} (11)

Introducing equations A-11 and A-12 into equation A-10, and using the P-to-S velocity ratio ($\gamma$), I obtain:
\sin\phi & = & \gamma \sin(2\theta - \phi),
\\ \sin\sigma & = & \gamma^{-1} \sin(2\theta - \sigma).\end{eqnarray} (13)

Using simple trigonometric relations and basic algebra, from equations A-13 and A-14, I get, respectively,
(1+\gamma \cos 2\theta) \tan\phi & = & \gamma \sin 2\theta,
\\ (\gamma + \cos 2\theta) \tan\sigma & = & \sin 2\theta.\end{eqnarray} (15)

Equations A-15 and A-16 translate into equations [*] and [*], in Chapter 3.

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