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Conclusions and Future Work

By estimating a pair of PEFs in the data space, the problem of irregular data acquistion has been avoided. The actual interpolation can be performed in either the data space (track coordinates) or the model space (latitude and longitude). The results turned out to be much better for the ascending tracks than for the descending tracks.

Crossing tracks are also present in land seismic data, where due to reciprocity the negative offsets in the split-spread land experiment cross. In 2D this happens in cmp - absolute offset space as shown in Figure [*], and in 3D this also happens, but in cmp_x - offset_x and cmp_y - offset_y spaces.

Figure 7
Fold map of an irregularly-sampled 2D land survey in cmp and absolute offset. Similar patterns of crossing tracks are also present in this survey due to reciprocity.
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Stanford Exploration Project