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Imaging by wavefield extrapolation

Imaging by wavefield extrapolation (WE) is based on recursive continuation of the wavefields $\u$ from a given depth level to the next by means of an extrapolation operator ${\bf E}$:  
\u_{z+\Delta z}= {\bf E}_z\left[\u_{z } \right]. \end{displaymath} (1)
This recursive relation can also be explicitly written in matrix form as
\left(\matrix {
 {{\bf 1}} & {\bf 0}& {\bf 0}&\cdots& {\bf 0}& ...
\d_0 \cr 0 \cr 0 \cr\vdots\cr 0 \cr
} \right),
\nonumber \end{eqnarray}
or in a more compact notation as:
\left({\bf 1}- {\bf E}\right)\u = \d,\end{displaymath} (2)
where the vector $\d$ stands for the recorded data, $\u$ for the extrapolated wavefield, ${\bf E}$ for the extrapolation operator and ${\bf 1}$ for the identity operator.

The wavefield at every depth level $\u_{z }$ is imaged using an imaging operator ${\bf I}_z$:
\r_{z }= {\bf I}_z\left[\u_{z } \right],\end{displaymath} (3)
where $\r_{z }$ stands for the image at some depth level. We can write the same relation in compact matrix form as:
\r = {\bf I}{\u},\end{displaymath} (4)
where $\r$ stands for the image, and ${\bf I}$ stands for the imaging operator which is applied to the extrapolated wavefield $\u$.

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Stanford Exploration Project