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Dip Estimation

To estimate two local slopes p1 and p2, we treat vector $\bf r$ in equation ([*]) as a familiar prediction error, and find the p1 and p2 which minimize the squared norm of the prediction error. First we define the following shorthand:

\sum \bold D_{xx} \bold D_{xt} = \sum_{i=1}^n \bold D^i_{xx} \bold D^i_{xt}. \end{displaymath}

Expanding $\bold r^T \bold r$ from equation ([*]) and collecting terms yields a nonlinear function of p1 and p2, which we denote Q(p1,p2):
Q(p_1,p_2) &=& 
 \sum \bold D_{xx}^2 
 + p_1 \cdot 2\sum \bold ...
 ...bold D_{xt} \bold D_{tt}
 + p_1^2 p_2^2 \cdot \sum \bold D_{tt}^2.\end{eqnarray}
To find the least-squares-optimal p1 and p2, we compute the partial derivatives of Q(p1,p2), set them equal to zero, and solve a system of two equations.
\frac{\partial Q(p_1,p_2)}{\partial p_1} = f(p_1,p_2) &=& \sum ...
 ...1^2 \bold D_{xt} \bold D_{tt}
 + p_1^2 p_2 \sum \bold D_{tt}^2 = 0\end{eqnarray}
I use Newton's method for two variables to compute the optimal slopes by updating estimates of p1 and p2 with the following iteration:
p_{1,k+1} &=& p_{1,k} + \frac{ -f(p_{1,k},p_{2,k}) g_{p_2}(p_{1...
 -f_{p_2}(p_{1,k},p_{2,k}) g_{p_1}(p_{1,k},p_{2,k}) }\end{eqnarray} (175)
The estimated slopes at iteration k are p1,k and p2,k. fp1(p1,k,p2,k) is, for example, the partial derivative of f(p1,p2) with respect to p1. While intimidating, equations ([*]) and ([*]) result simply from the inversion of a 2-by-2 matrix of second derivatives (of Q(p1,p2)), the so-called Hessian matrix. Since, the partial derivatives of f and g are non-constant, the problem is non-quadratic, which implies that Newton's method may diverge for certain initial guesses (p1,0,p2,0), and furthermore, may converge to a local minimum. In practice, however, the method converges to machine precision within 3-5 iterations.
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Stanford Exploration Project