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Appendix B

The methods of this paper have been implemented in the author's Fortran 2003 object-oriented framework exp_tk. A parallelized forward-modeling and inversion utility PEMODEL for modeling and inverting 3D displacements has been implemented by the author as part of this study, and as a joint exercise with applying the author's new optimisation framework to problems of geophysical imaging and computational geophysics (Maharramov, 2011). PEMODEL can be found at

Source file comments contain a description of the command-line options used with the utility. Fortran F003 module poroelastic_green.F90 implements the poroelastostatic modeling operator and its adjoint. Solution of problem 14,15 is implemented in the forward-modeling utility ZPEMODEL. ZPEMODEL can be found at

Module poroelastic_depth.F90 implements the corresponding modeling operator. Banded systems 16 are solved using LAPACK95 computational routine gbtrs (Barker et al., 2001) following optional equilibration to improve the stability for very sharp vertical contrasts of elastic moduli.

The framework has no external dependencies except for Intel Fortran compiler, version 12.0 or higher and Intel Math Kernel Library version 9.0 or higher. The plots of this report have been generated using Matlab from the binaries and headers output by PEMODEL and ZPEMODEL.

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