To construct a set of directions which satisfy the
conjugacy criterion (preconjugacy), we can start from an
arbitrary set of model-space vectors
and apply an
orthogonalization process to their projections in the data space. An
iterative orthogonalization is defined by recursion
p_n = c_n - _j=1^n-1_n^(j)p_j,
where the following choice of the scalar coefficients
assures condition (preconjugacy):
_n^(j) = (M c_n,Mp_j)
According to the fact that the residual vector is
orthogonal to all the previous steps in the data space (equation
(preresmpj)), the coefficient
simplifies to
_n = (r_n-1,Mc_n-1) ||Mp_n-1||^2. Formulas (ortoprocess-cdalpha) define the method of conjugate directions Fomel (1996) also known as the preconditioned Krylov subspace method Kleinman and van den Berg (1991) and under several other names.
A particular choice of the initial directions
transforms the method of conjugate directions into
the method of conjugate gradients and introduces remarkable