Linearization of the eikonal equation suggests the following algorithm of traveltime computation:
Equation (5) can be solved numerically with a simple explicit
upwind finite-difference method. For a numerical test of the
algorithm, I chose to solve it by a less efficient but more robust
``brute-force'' implicit method, applying one of the generic linear
solvers. The gradient operator was computed with centered
finite differences. The implicit method is unconditionally stable. Its
accuracy corresponds to the accuracy of the finite-difference gradient
approximation. I found it helpful to regularize the linear solver with
a smoothing preconditioner. The regularization assures that the
traveltime remains a smooth function of the spatial coordinates.
An important feature of the suggested algorithm is that it does not require an iterative solver to iterate until the full convergence. A few iteration steps of the estimation process can be interlaced with re-linearization in the main loop of the algorithm.
Theoretically, a global convergence of the described procedure cannot be guaranteed for all cases. However, I observed a stable convergence in the preliminary numerical tests.