A We use the code below to factor cross-correlation functions into two minimum phase filters. The module contains three subroutines, one for initialization, one for the actual factorization and a third one for deallocating the memory.
Type cfilter is a complex filter defined in the helical coordinate system. Such a filter is composed of a ``zero lag'' coefficient (e.g. s0) and two vectors, one for the lags (e.g. ss%lag) and one for the complex values of the filter (e.g. ss%flt).
We loop for the desired number of iterations. At each step, we take
the auto-correlation (ss), divide it by A and ,
select the filter coefficients of the positive/negative lags, and then
convolve by A/B.
The result is a pair of filters (aa and bb) of type cfilter.
do i = 1, niter {
call cpolydiv_init( aa)
stat = cpolydiv_clop( F, F, cross, ab) # ab = S/A
call cpolydiv_init( bb)
stat = cpolydiv_clop( T, F, cc , ab) # cc = S/(AB*')
b( 2:n) = cc( n+1:2*n-1)/cc(n)
eps = maxval(abs(b(2:n)))
call chelicon_init( aa)
stat = chelicon_clop( F, F, b, c) # c = A b
aa%flt = c(1+aa%lag)
b( 2:n) = cc( n-1:1:-1 )/cc(n)
eps = max(abs(maxval(abs(b(2:n)))),abs(eps))
call chelicon_init( bb)
stat = chelicon_clop( F, F, b, c) # c = B* b
bb%flt = c(1+bb%lag)
write( 0,*) i, eps
subroutine ccwil_close () {
deallocate( cross, ab, cc, b, c) }
module ccwil {
# Factorization of complex cross-spectra using the Wilson-Burg algorithm
use chelicon
use cpolydiv
use cprint
integer, private :: n
complex, dimension( :), allocatable, private :: cross, ab, cc, b, c
subroutine ccwil_init( nmax) {
integer, intent(in) :: nmax; n = nmax
allocate( cross(2*n-1), ab(2*n-1), cc(2*n-1), b(n), c(n))
subroutine ccwil_factor( niter, s0, ss, aa, bb) {
integer, intent( in) :: niter
complex, intent( in) :: s0
type( cfilter), intent( in) :: ss
type( cfilter), intent(out) :: aa, bb
integer :: i,stat
real :: eps
logical :: T=.true.,F=.false.
cross = 0.; cross( n) = s0; cross( n+ss%lag) = ss%flt
ab=0.0; cc=0.0; b=0.0; b(1)=1.0; c=0.0