Up: Noisy data
row normalized PEF
We often run into bursty noise.
This can overwhelm the estimate of a prediction-error filter.
To overcome this problem we can use a weighting function.
The weight for each row in fitting matrix
is adjusted so that each row has about the same
contribution as each other row.
A first idea is that the weight for the n-th row
would be the inverse of the sum of the absolute values of the row.
This is easy to compute:
First make a vector the size of the PEF but with each element unity.
Second, take a copy of the signal vector but with the absolute value of each component.
Third, convolve the two.
The convolution of the ones with the absolute values
could be the inverse of the weighting function we seek.
However, any time we are forming an inverse we need to think
about the possibility of dividing by zero, how it could arise,
and how divisions by ``near zero'' could be even worse
(because a poor result is not immediately recognized).
Perhaps we should use something between and or Cauchy.
In any case, we must choose a scaling parameter
that separates ``average'' rows from unusually large ones.
For this choice in subroutine rnpef1(), I chose the median.
Up: Noisy data
Stanford Exploration Project