B.S. physics, 1960;
M.S. 1963 geophysics
1967, geophysics thesis,
memorial video).
Professor of Geophysics at Stanford University 1967-present (emeritus 2008). Consulted with Chevron (1967-73). Founded the Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) in 1973. Best Presentation Award from the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) for his paper, "Extrapolation of Wave Fields." Honorary member and SEG Fessenden Award. Elected a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. Elected to the National Academy of Engineering. SEG's highest award, the Maurice Ewing Medal. Honorary Member of the European Assn. of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE). EAGE's highest recognition, the Erasmus Award. Authored five and a half geophysics books all free on the internet (two translated to Russian and Chinese) and four published commercially. All now free in PDF here.