Tribute to Jos Claerbout (video tape) 9/1999

Tribute to Jos Claerbout (video tape)       September 1999

10 minutes
Fear of a Black Toessel: A memory of Jos Claerbout by his friend Yun. A montage of microphone test video of Jos shot in the last week of his life during Rear Cubicle production, with video and photos from WebTV, and with family photos. He accompanies with music that they both enjoyed. Details at
90 minutes
WebTV memorial of Jos Claerbout, August 26, 1999. Seating of Claerbouts. Showing (again) of Fear of a Black Toessel. A recounting of the life and antics of Jos at WebTV by Kieca Mahoney. Testaments and anecdotes by Jos's coworkers and by his family and friends.
10 minutes
Rear Cubicle, A video tale written and produced by Jos Claerbout; directed and edited by Yun. They shot it the weekend before Jos died. Yun edited it afterwards. Jos wrote and produced this video to test the boundaries of the internet as a new video distribution medium (rather than say, the usual theatre or film festival route). He felt that the internet could be a much more democratic means of distributing one's work. More at