Program mapmakeruse sep use random_mod use globecalc
implicit none real :: backaz,foraz,distance,ilat_tmp,ilon_tmp real :: ptest,rtest,ntest,stest, pi real,dimension (:) , pointer :: lat,lon,shaz,temp,regime,plate,subregion,datalat,datalon,datashaz integer,dimension (:) , pointer :: subr real,dimension (:,:), pointer :: azdiff integer :: ilat,ilon,idat,pos1,pos2,k,maxk integer :: n1,m1,m2,o1,o2,d1,d2,stat,t,r,s
call sep_init ()
call from_history("n1",n1)
allocate ( lat(n1),lon(n1),shaz(n1),regime(n1),plate(n1),subregion(n1) ) allocate ( subr(n1) )
call sep_read (lat) call sep_read (lon) call sep_read (shaz) call sep_read (regime) call sep_read (plate) call sep_read (subregion) !write(0,*) 'lat is ', lat !write(0,*) 'lon is ', lon !write(0,*) 'az is ', shaz
call from_param( "o1", o1) call from_param( "o2", o2) call from_param( "d1", d1) call from_param( "d2", d2) m1= abs((2*o1)/d1) m2= abs((2*o2)/d2)
call from_param( "platetest", ptest,0.) call from_param( "regimetest", rtest,0.) call from_param( "subregiontest", stest,0.) call from_param( "fixnorms", ntest,1.)
!--all data are used when tests /=0
if( exist_file("randaz") ) then call to_history( "n1", n1, "randaz") call to_history( "o1", 1, "randaz") call to_history( "d1", 1, "randaz") end if call to_history("n1",m1+1) call to_history("n2",m2+1) call to_history("o1",o1) call to_history("o2",o2) call to_history("d1",d1) call to_history("d2",d2) call to_history("label1","latitude (deg)") call to_history("label2","longitude(deg)") call to_history("label3","lack of intersections")
call sep_close() pi=3.141593 !---Convert degrees lat/long to radians--------------- lat= lat * (pi/180) lon= lon * (pi/180) shaz=shaz* (pi/180) !-NF regime should consider Sh=SH-90, not SH-------------- if (ntest/=0) where ( int(regime)==1 ) shaz=abs(asin(sin( shaz(idat)-(pi/2.) ))) !--- change ocean subcode to -1 from 0 where ( (subregion)==0. ) subregion=-2. subr=int(subregion) write(0,*) 'region test?',rtest,'plate test?', ptest,'subregion test?', stest,'fix normals?', ntest
!---Test with random azimuths at each data location--------- if( exist_file("randaz")) then allocate(temp(n1)) call random_number(temp) datashaz=temp*pi end if
if ((rtest==1.3).or.(rtest==2.3)) then regime=int(regime) rtest=int(rtest) end if !------count how many data points going to use k=0 do idat=1,n1 if (shaz(idat) <=2*pi) then !---null values in data file =999 if ( (rtest==0).or.(regime(idat)==rtest) ) then!-only consider one stress regime if ( (ptest==0).or.(ptest==plate(idat)) ) then !-only consider one plate if ( (stest==0).or.( (stest==4).and.(subregion(idat)>0) ).or.(stest==mod(subr(idat),3)+1) ) then k=k+1 end if end if end if end if end do maxk=k allocate(datalat(maxk)) allocate(datalon(maxk)) allocate(datashaz(maxk)) write(0,*) 'You are about to consider ', maxk,' points of 10921.' k=0 do idat=1,n1 if (shaz(idat) <=2*pi) then !---null values in data file =999 if ( (rtest==0).or.(regime(idat)==rtest) ) then!-only consider one stress regime if ( (ptest==0).or.(ptest==plate(idat)) ) then !-only consider one plate if ( (stest==0).or.( (stest==4).and.(subregion(idat)>0) ).or.(stest==mod(subr(idat),3)+1) ) then k=k+1 datalat(k)=lat(idat) datalon(k)=lon(idat) datashaz(k)=shaz(idat) end if end if end if end if end do maxk=k
!---Test with random azimuths at each data location--------- if( exist_file("randaz")) then allocate(temp(n1)) call random_number(temp) datashaz=temp*pi call sep_write(datashaz*(180/pi),"randaz") end if
!---prepare a file w/ data locations used when discarding with tests if (exist_file("datafile") ) then call sep_init() call to_history("n1",maxk,"datafile") call to_history("n2", 3,"datafile") call sep_write (datalon*(180/pi), "datafile") call sep_write (datalat*(180/pi), "datafile") call sep_write (datashaz*(180/pi), "datafile") call sep_close() end if
! goto 100 ! for only making actually used data file
write(0,*) 'Now mapping. Please take your seat.' allocate ( azdiff(m1+1,m2+1) ) azdiff=0 !--safety zeroing do ilat=o1,o1+m1,d1 write(0,*) 'done ',(ilat-o1)/d1,' of ',m1 do ilon=o2,o2+m2,d2 ilat_tmp = ilat * (pi/180)!----temporary radians of model grid points ilon_tmp = ilon * (pi/180) do k=1,maxk !---finally to the meat of the program---------------- call calc( datalat(k),datalon(k),ilat_tmp,ilon_tmp,distance,backaz,foraz) pos1=ilat-o1 ; pos2=ilon-o2 azdiff(pos1,pos2) = azdiff(pos1,pos2) + asin(sin( (datashaz(k)-backaz)))**2 end do ! idata end do ! ilon end do ! idatalat
call sep_write(azdiff)
100 k=2
end program mapmaker