Program variogramuse sep use bin1 use globecalc
implicit none real :: az1,az2,ov,dv,a,b,c,d,pi real,dimension (:) , pointer :: lat,lon,shaz,temp,anglesum,ang,delta,ones,fold integer :: idat,idat2,nv,n1,k,stat
call sep_init ()
call from_history("n1",n1)
allocate (lat(n1),lon(n1),shaz(n1))
call sep_read (lat) call sep_read (lon) call sep_read (shaz) !write(0,*) 'lat is ', lat !write(0,*) 'lon is ', lon !write(0,*) 'az is ', shaz
call from_param( "nv", nv) call from_param( "ov", ov) call from_param( "dv", dv)
call to_history("n1",nv) call to_history("n2", 1) call to_history("o1",ov) call to_history("d1",dv)
call to_history("label2","orthogonality") call to_history("label1","kilometers")
call sep_close() pi=3.141593 !------------quadrant tests for the subtraction ------ ! k=1 ! if (k/=0) then ! a=asin(sin( 0.17453295-pi )) !10 in radians ! b=asin(sin( 3.3161259 -pi )) !190 in radians ! a=asin(sin( 10*(pi/180) )) ! = 0.17453295 ! b=asin(sin(-10*(pi/180) )) ! =-0.17453295 ! c=asin(sin(170*(pi/180) )) ! = 0.174532562 ! d=asin(sin(190*(pi/180) )) ! =-0.174533218 ! write(0,*) '10 -90=',a*(180/pi),' 190 -90=',b*(180/pi),' 170=',c,' 190=',d ! ! else !---to use, must also take out end if at end of program-- !-----------------------------------
lat= lat * (pi/180) !---Convert degrees lat/long to radians -- lon= lon * (pi/180) shaz=shaz* (pi/180)
write(0,*) 'Doing the variance bit' allocate(delta ( n1*(n1-1)/2) ) allocate(ang ( n1*(n1-1)/2) ) delta=0. ; ang=0. ! write(0,*) 'allocated' ! write(0,*) 'size of ang is ',size(ang),'delta is ',size(delta) k=0 do idat =1,n1-1 ! write(0,*) 'Finished ',k,' of',size(ang),' loops.' if( shaz(idat) <=180 ) then !null values in data file =999 do idat2=idat+1,n1 k=k+1 if( shaz(idat2) <=180 ) then call calc( lat(idat),lon(idat),lat(idat2),lon(idat2),delta( (idat-1)*n1+(idat2-1) ),az1,az2) ang(k) = sqrt( abs(asin(sin( shaz(idat)-shaz(idat2) )))) end if end do end if end do
!--------------------------------------------- !---------------putting data into distance bins --------------- delta= delta * 6371 ! convert to km's: rad. of earth=6371 km's allocate( anglesum(nv) ) anglesum=0 ! initialize to zero ! write(0,*)'size of anglesum is ', size(anglesum) call bin1_init( nv, ov, dv, delta ) ! bins should go to 0.5*circ. of earth stat = bin1_lop( .true., .true.,anglesum, ang) ! anglesum is output
!--------------to normalize anlgesum, fold=Btrans (ones) ----------- allocate( ones(n1) ) allocate( fold(nv) ) ones=1.; fold=0. call bin1_init( nv, ov, dv, delta ) stat = bin1_lop( .true., .false., fold, ones) ! write(0,*) 'anglesum at 1 is ', anglesum where(fold/=0) ! mind not dividing by zero anglesum=anglesum/fold ! divide by number of data point in the bin elsewhere anglesum=0 end where ! write(0,*) 'fold at 1 is ', fold ! write(0,*) 'anglesum is now', anglesum
call sep_write( anglesum) ! end if !---for when you don't really want to run the program end program variogram