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The following ratfor program, cdstep(), implements one iteration of the conjugate-direction method. It is based upon Jon Claerbout's cgstep() program Claerbout (1994) and uses an analogous naming convention. Vectors in the data space are denoted by double letters.

# A step of conjugate-direction descent.
subroutine cdstep( niter,iter,   n, x, g, s,   m, rr, gg, ss,ssn)
integer i,j,liter, niter,iter,   n,            m
real	x(n), rr(m),		# solution,  residual
	g(n), gg(m),		# direction, conjugate direction
	s(n,niter), ss(m,niter)	# step,      conjugate step
double precision ddot, alpha, ssn(niter)

liter = min0(iter,niter)

do i= 1, n # initial direction s(i,liter) = g(i) do i= 1, m ss(i,liter) = gg(i)

do j= 1, liter-1 { # update direction alpha = ddot(m,gg,ss(1,j))/ssn(j) do i= 1, n s(i,liter) = s(i,liter) - alpha * s(i,j) do i= 1, m ss(i,liter) = ss(i,liter) - alpha * ss(i,j) }

ssn(liter) = dmax1(ddot(m,ss(1,liter),ss(1,liter)),1.d-35)

if (liter == niter) { do j= 1, niter-1 { ssn(j) = ssn(j+1) do i= 1, n s(i,j) = s(i,j+1) do i= 1, m ss(i,j) = ss(i,j+1) } }

alpha = ddot(m,ss(1,liter),rr)/ssn(liter) do i= 1, n # update solution x(i) = x(i) + alpha * s(i,liter) do i= 1, m # update residual rr(i) = rr(i) - alpha * ss(i,liter)

return; end

double precision function ddot( n, x, y) integer i, n; real x(n), y(n); double precision val val = 0.; do i=1,n { val = val + x(i) * y(i) } ddot = val; return; end

In addition to the previous steps ${\bf s}_j$ (array s) and their conjugate counterparts ${\bf A\,s}_j$ (array ss), the program stores the squared norms $\Vert{\bf A\,s}_j\Vert^2$(array ssn) to avoid recomputation. For practical reasons, the number of remembered iterations niter can actually be smaller than the total number of iterations. The value niter=2 corresponds to the conjugate-gradient method. The value niter=1 corresponds to the steepest-descent method. The iteration process should start with iter = 1, corresponding to the first steepest-descent iteration in the method of conjugate gradients.

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