Next: Wyllie's model
Up: Alternative rock velocity models
Previous: Biot's model
Terzaghi simplifies Biot's model by
decoupling the stress tensor into hydrostatic stress and stresses
of the solid skeleton. Terzaghi's approximation, which are popular
in the field of geomechanics, imply
|  |
(36) |
| (37) |
| (38) |
| (39) |
If we further assume that the tortuosity a=1 is one
and that we can ignore dissipation due to viscosity, we find
again two non-dissipative P-waves with velocities
|  |
(40) |
| (41) |
The first P-wave only involves the rock matrix,
the second only involves the fluid.
If we continue to ignore loss due to viscosity
but allow for tortuosity
and a fluid bulk modulo much smaller
than the solid bulk modulo (
)than the wave velocities are
|  |
(42) |
| (43) |
| (44) |
But Tzeraghi's assumption of decoupled stresses is considered
unrealistic for usually highly consolidated hydrocarbon reservoir rocks.
Next: Wyllie's model
Up: Alternative rock velocity models
Previous: Biot's model
Stanford Exploration Project