SUVELAN_UCCS - compute stacking VELocity panel for cdp gathers using UnNormalized CrossCorrelation Sum suvelan_uccs stdout [optional parameters] Optional Parameters: nx=tr.cdpt number of traces in cdp nv=50 number of velocities dv=50.0 velocity sampling interval fv=1500.0 first velocity smute=1.5 samples with NMO stretch exceeding smute are zeroed dtratio=5 ratio of output to input time sampling intervals nsmooth=dtratio*2+1 length of smoothing window verbose=0 =1 for diagnostic print on stderr pwr=1.0 semblance value to the power Notes: Unnormalized crosscorrelation sum: sum all possible crosscorrelation trace pairs in a CMP gather for each trial velocity and zero-offset two-way travel time inside a time window. This unnormalized coherency measure produces large spectral amplitudes for strong reflections and small spectral amplitudes for weaker ones. If M is the number of traces in the CMP gather M(M-1)/2 is the total number of crosscorrelations for each trial velocity and zero-offset two-way traveltime. Credits: CWP: Valmore Celis, Sept 2002 Based on the original code: suvelan.c Colorado School of Mines: Dave Hale c. 1989 Reference: Neidell, N.S., and Taner, M.T., 1971, Semblance and other coherency measures for multichannel data: Geophysics, 36, 498-509. Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, delrt, offset, cdp Trace header fields modified: ns, dt, offset, cdp