SUMIGPREFD - The 2-D prestack common-shot 45-90 degree finite-difference migration. sumigprefd outfile [parameters] ", Required Parameters: ", nxo= number of total horizontal output samples nxshot= number of shot gathers to be migrated nz= number of depth sapmles dx= horizontal sampling interval ", dz= depth sampling interval vfile= velocity profile, it must be binary format. Optional Parameters: dip=79 the maximum dip to migrate, it can be 45,65,79,80,87,89,90", The computation cost is 45=65=79<80<87<89<90 fmax=25 the peak frequency of Ricker wavelet used as source wavelet f1=5,f2=10,f3=40,f4=50 frequencies to build a Hamming window lpad=9999,rpad=9999 number of zero traces padded on both sides of depth section to determine the migration aperature, the default values are using the full aperature. Notes: The input velocity file \'vfile\' consists of C-style binary floats. The structure of this file is vfile[iz][ix]. Note that this means that the x-direction is the fastest direction instead of z-direction! Such a structure is more convenient for the downward continuation type migration algorithm than using z as fastest dimension as in other SU programs. Because most of the tools in the SU package (such as unif2, unisam2, ", and makevel) produce output with the structure vfile[ix][iz], you will need to transpose the velocity files created by these programs. You may use the SU program \'transp\' in SU to transpose such files into the required vfile[iz][ix] structure. Credits: CWP, Baoniu Han,, April 19th, 1998 Trace header fields accessed: ns, dt, delrt, d2 Trace header fields modified: ns, dt, delrt