SUIMP2D - generate shot records for a line scatterer embedded in three dimensions using the Born integral equation ", suimp2d [optional parameters] >stdout Optional parameters nshot=1 number of shots nrec=1 number of receivers c=5000 speed dt=.004 sampling rate nt=256 number of samples x0=1000 point scatterer location z0=1000 point scatterer location sxmin=0 first shot location szmin=0 first shot location gxmin=0 first receiver location gzmin=0 first receiver location dsx=100 x-step in shot location dsz=0 z-step in shot location dgx=100 x-step in receiver location dgz=0 z-step in receiver location Example: suimp2d nrec=32 | sufilter | supswigp | ... Credits: CWP: Norm Bleistein, Jack K. Cohen Theory: Use the 3D Born integral equation (e.g., Geophysics, v51, n8, p1554(7)). Use 2-D delta function for alpha and do remaining y-integral by stationary phase. Note: Setting a 2D offset in a single offset field beats the hell out of us. We did _something_. Trace header fields set: ns, dt, tracl, tracr, fldr, sx, selev, gx, gelev, offset