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Definition of dependent variables

There are two kinds of dependent variables, those that characterize the medium and those that characterize the waves. The medium is characterized by its velocity v and its reflectivity c. The waves are characterized by using U for an upcoming wave, D for a downgoing wave, P for the pressure, and Q for a modulated form of pressure. Let us say P(t,x,z) is the mathematical function to find pressure, given (t,x,z); and P' (t' ,x' ,z' ) is the mathematical function given (t' ,x' ,z' ). The statement that the two mathematical functions P and P' both refer to the same physical variable is this:
P ( t , x , z )\ \ \ &=&\ \ \ 
 P'[t'(t,x , z ) ,\ x' ( t , x ,...
\\  P ( t , x , z ) \ \ \ &=&\ \ \ P' ( t' , x' , z' )
\nonumber\end{eqnarray} (30)
Obviously there are analogous expressions for the other dependent variables and medium parameters like velocity v(x,z).

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Stanford Exploration Project