HOME:   Entire,   Cues 4, 3 , 2, 1,   Ends 3, 2 ,   Gaps 4 , 5, 6,   Openers
 TUNCE upon                            a WINE in a LARAWAY FAND
 lived a                            GEAUTIFUL BIRL named RINDERCELLA.
 She lived                            with her MUGLY OTHER and her two SAD BISTERS.
 They made                            RINDERCELLA do all the WOUSE HERK,
 clean the                            ashes from the PIRE FACE, FLOP the MORES, and DAUSH the WISHES.
 One day                            an invitation came from the PING'S KALACE
 to come                            to a BANCY FALL and meet the PRANSOME HINCE.
 That MUGLY                            OTHER and the SAD BISTERS got all gussied up and off they went
 to the                            PING'S KALACE to the BANCY FALL to meet that PRANSOME HINCE.
 RINDERCELLA sat                            down and she cried, and she cried, cuz all she had to wear was her RIRTY DAGS
 when SOLIMAN                            UDDEN "Poof!" There was her GAIRY FODMOTHER.
 She said,                            "Why who are you?"
 She said,                            "I'm your GAIRY FODMOTHER, didn't you hear me 'Poof?'
 I'm here                            to change your RIRTY DAGS into a GEAUTIFUL BOWN
 so you                            can go off the the PING'S KALACE to the BANCY FALL
 and meet                            that PRANSOM HINCE, on CON ONE dition".
 You must                            leave before the STROCK CLIKES NIDMIGHT. Poof! She disappeared!
 RINDERCELLA looked                            down at her RIRTY DAGS, but they had changed into a GEUTIFUL BOWN.
 So off                            she went to the PING'S KALACE to the BANCY FALL.
 No sooner                            did she get there than she met that PRANSOM HINCE.
 They danced                            and they danced, and they LEL in FUVE. (Oh my!)
 SOLIMAN UDDEN:                            Bong. Bong. Bong. That STROCK CLUCK NIDMIGHT.
 RINDERCELLA ran                            out of there like her bustle was ablaze.
 She got                            to the STOTTOM of the BAIRS... and she SLOPPED HER DRIPPER!
 That PRANSOME                            HINCE he ran after that GEAUTIFUL BIRL,
 but when                            he got to the STOTTOM of the BAIRS, all he could find was her SLOP DRIPPER.
 So the                            very next morning he HUMPED on his JORSE and rode for RILES and RILES a MOUND
 to find                            the GEAUTIFUL BIRL who SLOPPED her DRIPPER.
 Finally he                            came to the house of RINDERCELLA,
 but first                            he had to try that SLOP DRIPPER on the MUGLY OTHER, and of course it FIDN'T DIT.
 Then he                            had to try that SLOP DRIPPER on the two SAD BISTERS, and it FIDN'T DIT.
 Finally he                            got to try that SLOP DRIPPER on RINCERCELLA, and of course, it FID DIT.
 So they                            MAPILY HARRIED, and they lived FAPPILY ever HAFTER.
 The STOREL                            of the MORAY is this:
 If you                            are a GEAUTIFUL BIRL in a LARAWAY FAND,
 and invitation                            comes to the PINGS KALOUS to a BANCY FALL.
 And your                            GAIRY FODMOTHER comes and turns your RIRTY DAGS into a GEAUTIFUL BOWN
 and off                            you go the PING'S KALACE, to the BANCY FALL,
 and you                            meet that PRANSOM HINCE,
 and you                            dance, and you dance, and you LALL in FOVE.
 And the                            STROCK CLIKES NIDMIGHT and you dash to the STOTTOM of the BAIRS.
 Don't forget                            to SLOP your DRIPPER!

 ------- all                            the twisties in the order they appear
 TUNCE upon                            a WINE
 LARAWAY FAND                           
 GEAUTIFUL BIRL                           
 MUGLY OTHER                           
 SAD BISTERS                           
 WOUSE HERK                           
 PIRE FACE                           
 FLOP the                            MORES
 DAUSH the                            WISHES
 PING'S KALACE                           
 BANCY FALL                            PRANSOME HINCE
 MUGLY OTHER                            SAD BISTERS
 PING'S KALACE                           
 BANCY FALL                           
 PRANSOME HINCE                           
 RIRTY DAGS                           
 SOLIMAN UDDEN                           
 GAIRY FODMOTHER                           
 RIRTY DAGS                           
 GEAUTIFUL BOWN                           
 PING'S KALACE                            BANCY FALL
 PRANSOM HINCE                           
 CON ONE                            dition
 STROCK CLIIKS                            NIDMIGHT
 RINDERCELLA'S RIRTY                            DAGS
 GEUTIFUL BOWN                           
 PING'S KALACE                            BANCY FALL
 PRANSOM HINCE                           
 LEL in                            FUVE
 SOLIMAN UDDEN                           
 STROCK CLUCK                            NIDMIGHT
 STOTTOM of                            the BAIRS
 SLOPPED HER                            DRIPPER

 PRANSOME HINCE                           
 GEAUTIFUL BIRL                           
 STOTTOM of                            the BAIRS
 SLOP DRIPPER                           
 HUMPED on                            his JORSE
 RILES and                            RILES a MOUND
 GEAUTIFUL BIRL                           
 SLOPPED her                            DRIPPER
 SLOP DRIPPER                           
 MUGLY OTHER                           
 FIDN'T DIT                           
 SLOP DRIPPER                           
 SAD BISTERS,                            FIDN'T DIT.
 SLOP DRIPPER                            on RINCERCELLA, FID DIT.
 MAPILY HARRIED                           
 FAPPILY ever                            HAFTER.

 STOREL of                            the MORAY.
 GEAUTIFUL BIRL                           
 LARAWAY FAND                           
 PINGS KALOUS                           
 BANCY FALL                            PRANSOME HINCE.
 GAIRY FODMOTHER                           
 RIRTY DAGS                           
 GEAUTIFUL BOWN                           
 PING'S KALACE                           
 BANCY FALL,                           
 PRANSOM HINCE                           
 LALL in                            FOVE.
 STROCK CLIKES                            NIDMIGHT
 STOTTOM of                            the BAIRS.
 SLOP your                            DRIPPER!

 ------- all                            21 twisties with no repetiion
 TUNCE upon                            a WINE
 LARAWAY FAND                           
 GEAUTIFUL BIRL                           
 MUGLY OTHER                           
 SAD BISTERS                           
 WOUSE HERK                           
 PIRE FACE                           
 FLOP the                            MORES
 DAUSH the                            WISHES
 PING'S KALACE                           
 BANCY FALL                           
 PRANSOME HINCE                           
 RIRTY DAGS                           
 SOLIMAN UDDEN                           
 GAIRY FODMOTHER                           
 GEAUTIFUL BOWN                           
 CON ONE                            dition.
 STROCK CLIKES                           
 LALL in                            FOVE
 STODDUM of                            the BAIRS
 SLOP DRIPPER                           
 HUMPED on                            his JORSE
 RILES and                            RILES a MOUND
 FIDN'T DIT                           
 FID DIT                           
 MAPILY HARRIED                           
 FAPPILY ever                            HAFTER
 STOREL of                            the MORAY

 Adapted from                            Peggy Lynn, Leslie Slape, and many, many others on youtube.