In the days when Ronnie was president being interviewed on serious matters,
he sounded very wise. -- A good actor can do that; and he was great.
Nancy would be standing there looking at him most adoringly.
Below are the best pictures we could find.
So it became a joke in our family to try to catch a picture of us in that pose.
We're having a contest.
Looks to me like already we are doing better than Ronny and Nancy.
Hooray for us!
Valuable prizes will be awarded !!
Contestants may be any couple related to anyone who is already in the contest.
Contestants may submit only one picture. They may change their mind
about which picture.
Judges will be the contestants themselves with equal votes.
Judges are likely to use "artistic merit" as a criterion
(and are not bound to consider historic realism.)
Submit photo in any size or format (paper or electronic) to Jon.
All photos will be returned to contestants.
The contest ends when we cannot find any more contestants.