Delete the names not relevant to your students' programs.
To have a greater effect on the final result, append a percentage before or after each name. Don't worry if the percentages don't add up. The code normalizes them.
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101 Aydin 102 Bird 103 Brown 104 Chamber 105 Dunbar 106 Ernst 107 Fendorf 108 Francis 109 Gorelick 110 Graham 111 Hilley 112 Loague 113 Lowe 114 Mahood 115 Mao 116 Matson 117 Miller 118 Moldowan 119 Payne 120 Paytan 121 Pollard 122 Seto 123 Stebbins 124 Switzer 201 Arrigo 202 Beroza 203 Biondi 204 Claerbout 205 Harris 206 Klemperer 207 Knight 208 Kovach 209 Mavko 210 Nur 211 Roughgard 212 Segall 213 Sleep 214 Tabazadeh 215 Thompson 216 Zebker 217 Zoback 301 Aziz 302 Caers 303 Durlofsky 304 Gerritsen 305 Horne 306 Journel 307 Kovscek 308 Orr 309 Tchelepi