Went in to town to try and find a bike shop, but sadly none could be found (Does this bode well for the rest of the trip?). Threw my bags on my bike and headed out toward Deblin. At the 55km mark, I stopped and made some pretty unappetizing sandwiches at a road side restaurant. After lunch it started to rain, and the temperature dropped to about 8C, and things got a little bit dreary. Rode through the town of Deblin, adn found a little roadside inn offering room and board for 60 zloty ($20US).
The owners were really nice people that drove me into town to exchange money, and then again to find some spare bike parts.
I eventually walked into town a little bit later on and found a shop that was selling electronic equipment and bike parts...found what I needed and then headed on to a little pub.
The waitress and I tried to chat a little bit, but her English was only a little bit better than my Polish, so it was too bad.
Headed over to the Figaro Pizza bar and had a pizza and few drinks, and then walked the 2km back to the Hotel.