I lead with Jon Claerbout a research seminar listed in the Stanford's Bulletin as Geophysics 385A for graduate students and as Geophysics 185A for undegraduate students. The seminar is also the group seminar of the Stanford Exploration Project (SEP).
SEP's students are expected to enroll for credit in GP 385A. The SEP and Stanford policies related to graduate students web page details the rules for SEP's students to get credit for the seminar.
Students belonging to other groups in the Geophysics Depatment and in other departments are also welcome to participate in the seminar. To get credit, a non-SEP student must enter his/her name in the rotating speakers-list that is posted at the bottom of the seminar's web page, and present his/her research when his/her name is on the top of the list.
The seminar meets twice a week during the Fall, Winter and Spring quarters, and three/four times a week during the Summer quarter. The schedule changes every quarter to avoid conflicts with other classes. Each quarter the schedule is voted on during the organizational meeting that is held at noon of the first Wednesday of the quarter. Prior to that meeting, students are advised to enter their class schedule on the white board in the seminar room. It is particularly important to enter your schedule on the board if you plan to miss the organizational meeting; otherwise seminar may be scheduled in conflict with one of your other calsses.