Biondo Biondi's Community Services

Beside getting involved in different initiatives within the School of Earth Sciences and the Geophysics Department, I am also involved in several activities of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG) .
I am the Faculty Advisor of the SEG Student Section for Stanford University . My main task in this role is to make sure that we organize a lecture at Stanford when SEG offers a Distinguished Lecture that is of interest to the Geophysical community at Stanford.

I am also member of the SEG Research Committee (SEGRC) and help the organization of workshops and other events. In 2005 I will be working on the following two tasks for SEG:

SEG/EAGE Advanced Modeling (SEAM) project

The exploration seismology research community needs a new set (at least one) of 3-D synthetic data sets to develop and validate imaging and processing algorithms. Unfortunately, the computational task of computing these data sets is still beyond the reach of most organizations or institutions. Therefore, the SEGRC has formed a Modeling subcommittee to organize and supervise a cooperative project to model a collection of data sets representing different exploration environments and testing different capabilities of processing algorithms. At the beginning of 2005 this project is in its infancy, but as it gains momentum, I will post relevant information on the SEAM web page.

SEG/EAGE 2006 Summer Research Workshop

Every summer SEG and EAGE co-organize a Research Workshop, sponsored by the SEGRC and the EAGE Research Committee. One year in Europe and one year in North America. The theme that the SEGRC has chosen for the Summer 2006 workshop, that will take place in North America, is: Subsalt Exploration & Development: Imaging, interpretation & drilling. What have we learned?" . I am a co-organizer of this workshop, and I will post relevant material on the SEG/EAGE 2006 Summer Research Workshop web page, as the organization makes progress.