Top Ten Most Cited Publications of Jim Berryman

as of January 18, 2007

1. J. G. Berryman, ``Random Close Packing of Hard-Spheres and Disks,''
   Physical Review A, 27, 1053-1061 (1983).
                                       Total Citations: 242/244

2. J. G. Berryman, ``Long-Wavelength Propagation in Composite Elastic
   Media. I. Spherical Inclusions,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society
   of America, 68, 1809-1819 (1980).
                                       Total Citations: 156/155

3. J. G. Berryman, ``Confirmation of Biot's Theory,'' Applied
   Physics Letters, 37, 382-384 (1980).
                                       Total Citations: 148/146

4. J. G. Berryman, ``Long-Wavelength Propagation in Composite Elastic
   Media. II. Ellipsoidal Inclusions,'' Journal of the Acoustical 
   Society of America, 68, 1820-1831 (1980).
                                       Total Citations: 105/104

5. J. G. Berryman and S. C. Blair, ``Use of Digital Image-Analysis to
   Estimate Fluid Permeability of Porous Materials: Application of 
   Two-Point Correlation Functions,'' Journal of Applied Physics, 60,
   1930-1938 (1986).
                                       Total Citations: 100/102

6. J. G. Berryman, ``Measurement of Spatial Correlation Functions   
   using Image-Processing Techniques,'' Journal of Applied Physics, 
   57, 2374-2384 (1985).
                                       Total Citations: 88/90

7. J. G. Berryman and R. R. Greene, ``Discrete Inverse Methods for 
   Elastic-Waves in Layered Media,'' Geophysics, 45, 213-233 (1980).
                                       Total Citations: 75/73

8. J. G. Berryman, ``Long-Wave Elastic Anisotropy in Transversely 
   Isotropic Media,'' Geophysics, 44, 896-917 (1979).
                                       Total Citations: 75/69

9. C. J. Holland and J. G. Berryman, ``Stability of the Separable  
   Solution for Fast Diffusion,'' Archive for Rational Mechanics and   
   Analysis, 74, 379-388 (1980).
                                       Total Citations: 62/57

10. J. G. Berryman, ``Single-scattering Approximations for Coefficients
    in Biot Equations of Poroelasticity,'' Journal of the Acoustical
    Society of America, 91, 551-571 (1992).
                                       Total Citations: 52/54

11. J. G. Berryman, ``Elastic Wave Propagation in Fluid-Saturated Porous
    Media,'' Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
    69, 416-424 (1981).
                                       Total Citations: 49/51

12. J. G. Berryman, ``Effective Stress for Transport Properties of
    Inhomogeneous Porous Rock,'' Journal of Geophysical Research,
    97, 17409--17424 (1992).
                                       Total Citations: 44/46

13. J. G. Berryman and G. W. Milton, ``Exact Results for Generalized
    Gassmann Equations in Composite Porous Media with Two Constituents,'' 
    Geophysics, 56, 1950-1960 (1991).
                                       Total Citations: 43/43

14. J. G. Berryman and S. C. Blair, ``Kozeny-Carman Relations and
    Image-Processing Methods for Estimating Darcy's Constant,''
    Journal of Applied Physics, 62, 2221-2228 (1987).
                                       Total Citations: 43/43

15. J. G. Berryman, ``Choice of Operator Length for Maximum Entropy  
    Spectral Analysis,'' Geophysics, 43, 1384-1391 (1978).
                                       Total Citations: 44/37

16. J. G. Berryman, ``Evolution of a Stable Profile for a Class of Nonlinear
    Diffusion Equations with Fixed Boundaries,'' Journal of Mathematical
    Physics, 18, 2108-2115 (1977).
                                       Total Citations: 37/38

Sources: SciSearch/WebofScience
Hirsch h-index: 28/27