U. S. Patent No. 6,269,311: Issued for ``Discrimination of porosity and fluid saturation using seismic velocity analysis'' to J. G. Berryman on July 31, 2001.


The method of the invention is employed for determining the state of saturation in a subterranean formation using only seismic velocity measurements (e.g., shear and compressional wave velocity data). Seismic velocity data collected from a region of the formation of like solid material properties can provide relatively accurate partial saturation data derived from a well-defined triangle plotted in a (rho/mu,lambda/mu)-plane. When the seismic velocity data are collected over a large region of a formation having both like and unlike materials, the method first distinguishes the like materials by initially plotting the seismic velocity data in a (rho/lambda,mu/lambda)-plane to determine regions of the formation having solid material properties and porosity.

Pertinent publication

+ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
E-mail to berryman1@llnl.gov