U. S. Patent No. 6,147,497: Issued for ``Using electrical impedance tomography to map subsurface hydraulic conductivity'' to J. G. Berryman, W. D. Daily, A. L. Ramirez, and J. J. Roberts on November 14, 2000.


The use of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) to map subsurface hydraulic conductivity. EIT can be used to map hydraulic conductivity in the subsurface where measurements of both amplitude and phase are made. Hydraulic conductivity depends on at least two parameters: porosity and a length scale parameter. Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) measures and maps electrical conductivity (which can be related to porosity) in three dimensions. By introducing phase measurements along with amplitude, the desired additional measurement of a pertinent length scale can be achieved. Hydraulic conductivity controls the ability to flush unwanted fluid contaminants from the subsurface. Thus inexpensive maps of hydraulic conductivity would improve planning strategies for subsequent remediation efforts. Fluid permeability is also of importance for oil field exploitation and thus detailed knowledge of fluid permeability distribution in three-dimensions (3-D) would be a great boon to pertroleum reservoir analysis.

Pertinent publication

+ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
E-mail to berryman@sep.stanford.edu