U. S. Patent No. 5,325,918: Issued for ``Optimal joule heating of the subsurface'' to J. G. Berryman and W. D. Daily on July 5, 1994.


A method for simultaneously heating the subsurface and imaging the effects of the heating. This method combines the use of tomographic imaging (electrical resistance tomography or ERT) to image electrical resistivity distribution underground, with joule heating by electrical currents injected in the ground. A potential distribution is established on a series of buried electrodes resulting in energy deposition underground which is a function of the resistivity and injection current density. Measurement of the voltages and currents also permits a tomographic reconstruction of the resisitivty distribution. Using this tomographic information, the current injection pattern on the driving electrodes can be adjusted to change the current density distribution and thus optimize the heating. As the heating changes conditions, the applied current pattern can be repeatedly adjusted (based on updated resisitivity tomographs) to affect real time control of the heating.

Pertinent publication

+ Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
E-mail to berryman@sep.stanford.edu