Reports and Papers (Co-)Written by Jim Berryman

at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1981-2003

If you are looking for any paper written or co-written by Jim Berryman at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, then it is probably possible to obtain a pdf file of the paper (although some titles are missing, or not yet scanned into the system) by doing the following: First, go to (a link is provided below). Then, click on Documents Online. Next, type Berryman* or Berryman& in the Author field without changing anything else. Then click on Search Catalog. This should result in a listing of 99 or more reports and papers in reverse chronological order. If you want to be more selective, you can also type in a key word for the Title such as Effective, Rock, Porous, Inversion, Theory, Biot, Image, etc., and fewer titles will then be displayed. Happy hunting!

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