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Interface jam.solver.IterativeSolver

public interface interface IterativeSolver
extends Solver
Iterative Solver solves a problem A x - b = 0 for x.
Maybe we should have something like getGradient();
Maybe we should have something like getOperator() and getVector();
Some of these can be implemented in a very general fashion.

Method Index

 o getApproximation()
 o getIteration()
 o getNormResidual()
 o getRelativeNormResidual()
 o getResidual()


 o getApproximation
 public abstract Vector getApproximation()
Vector current x (converges to the solution while iterating)
 o getResidual
 public abstract Vector getResidual()
Vector current A x - b
 o getNormResidual
 public abstract float getNormResidual()
float current |A x - b| ^2
 o getRelativeNormResidual
 public abstract float getRelativeNormResidual()
float current (|A x - b| / |A x_0 - b|) ^2
 o getIteration
 public abstract int getIteration()
int number of iterations

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