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Interface jam.operator.BlockOperator

public interface interface BlockOperator
extends JamObject, Operator
A BlockOperator is an operator which can be written as a matrix of operators.
So, usually it is a mapping between product vector spaces.

Do we want to be able to multiply two BlockOperators to give a BlockOperator of CompoundOperators?

Method Index

 o elements()
 o getOp(int, int)
If a sub-operator has not been set, the zero operator is returned
 o nCols()
 o nRows()
 o setOp(int, int, Operator)
If a sub-operator is not set, it is assumed to be zero
 o size()


 o setOp
 public abstract void setOp(int i,
                            int j,
                            Operator op)
If a sub-operator is not set, it is assumed to be zero

 o getOp
 public abstract Operator getOp(int i,
                                int j)
If a sub-operator has not been set, the zero operator is returned

 o size
 public abstract int size()
 o nRows
 public abstract int nRows()
 o nCols
 public abstract int nCols()
 o elements
 public abstract Enumeration elements()

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