The Fortran-90
subprograms in this appendix are simplified from the actual version,
which is more heavily loaded with optional parameters. For example,
the actual solver routine can implement an iterative reweighting that
I used in the deburst example, work with non-linear operators, etc.
Two solver subroutines together with some others (e.g. LSQR solver)
are packed in a MODULE, with overloading of the subroutine names, so
that the user can easily switch from one solver to another without
changing the name of the program (and without even knowing the details
of its implementation.)
The data-space regularization routine takes three
functions as its arguments. Functions oper and reg
correspond to the linear operators L and P. They comply with the
generic linear operator interface, defined by
Fomel and Claerbout (1996). Function solv implements one
step of an optimization descent. Its arguments are a logical parameter
forget, which controls a conditional restarting of the
optimization, the current effective model mod, the gradient
vector g, the data residual vector rr, and the
conjugate gradient vector gg. An example of a solv
function is conjgrad
, which implements a
classic version of the conjugate-gradient method
Subroutine lin_solver_dat constructs the effective model
vector x, which consists of the model-space part xm
and the data-space part xd. Similarly, the effective
gradient vector g is split into the the model-space part
gm and the data-space part gd. Subroutine
chain from module chainmod
called to compute a chain of the operators P and L (reg
and oper).
subroutine lin_solver_dat (oper, solv, reg, nreg, mod, dat, niter, eps, mod0) interface integer function oper (adj, add, mod, dat) logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat end function oper integer function solv (forget, mod, g, rr, gg) logical :: forget real, dimension (:) :: mod, g, rr, gg end function solv integer function reg (adj, add, mod, dat) logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat end function reg end interface real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: dat ! data real, dimension (:), intent (in), optional :: mod0 ! initial model real, dimension (:), intent (out) :: mod ! model integer, intent (in) :: niter, nreg ! size of x real, intent (in) :: eps ! scalingreal, dimension (size (dat) + nreg), target :: x, g real, dimension (size (dat)) :: rr, gg real, dimension (:), pointer :: xm, xd, gm, gd integer :: iter, stat logical :: forget
xm => x (1 : nreg) ; xd => x (1 + nreg:) ; xd = 0. gm => g (1 : nreg) ; gd => g (1 + nreg:) if (present (mod0)) then xm = mod0 ; call chain (oper, reg, .false., .false., xm, rr, mod) rr = dat - rr else xm = 0. ; rr = dat end if
forget = .false. do iter = 1, niter call chain (oper, reg, .true. , .false., gm, rr, mod) ; gd = eps*rr call chain (oper, reg, .false., .false., gm, gg, mod) ; gg =gg+eps*gd stat = solv (forget, x, g, rr, gg) end do stat = reg (.false., .false., xm, mod) end subroutine lin_solver_dat
The model-space regularization routine has an
analogous design. In this case, function reg corresponds to
the model regularization operator D. We construct the effective
residual vector rr, which consists of the model-space part
rm and the data-space part rd. Similarly, the
effective conjugate gradient vector gg is split into the the
model-space part gm and the data-space part gd.
Subroutine array from module chainmod
is called to compute an array of the operators
L and D (oper and reg).
subroutine lin_solver_mod (oper, solv, reg, nreg, mod, dat, niter, mod0) interface integer function oper (adj, add, mod, dat) logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat end function oper integer function solv (forget, mod, g, rr, gg) logical ::forget real, dimension (:) :: mod, g, rr, gg end function solv integer function reg (adj, add, mod, dat) logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat end function reg end interface real, dimension (:), intent (in) :: dat ! data real, dimension (:), intent (in), optional :: mod0 ! initial model real, dimension (:), intent (out) :: mod ! model integer, intent (in) :: niter, nreg ! size of D modreal, dimension (size (mod)) :: g real, dimension (size (dat) + nreg), target :: rr, gg real, dimension (:), pointer :: rd, rm, gd, gm integer :: iter, stat logical :: forget
rm => rr (1 : nreg) ; rd => rr (1 + nreg :) gm => gg (1 : nreg) ; gd => gg (1 + nreg :)
if (present (mod0)) then mod = mod0 stat = oper (.false., .false., mod, rr) ; rr = dat - rr stat = reg (.false., .false., mod, rm) ; rm = - rm else mod = 0. ; rd = dat ; rm = 0. end if
forget = .false. do iter = 1, niter call array (oper, reg, .true. , .false., g, rd, rm) call array (oper, reg, .false., .false., g, gd, gm) stat = solv (forget, mod, g, rr, gg) end do end subroutine lin_solver_mod
module chainmod containssubroutine chain (oper1, oper2, adj, add, mod, dat, tmp) interface integer function oper1 (adj, add, mod, dat) logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat end function oper1 integer function oper2 (adj, add, mod, dat) logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat end function oper2 end interface logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat, tmp
integer :: stat1, stat2 if (adj) then stat1 = oper1 ( .true., .false., tmp, dat) stat2 = oper2 ( .true., add, mod, tmp) else stat2 = oper2 (.false., .false., mod, tmp) stat1 = oper1 (.false., add, tmp, dat) end if end subroutine chain
subroutine array (oper1, oper2, adj, add, mod, dat1, dat2) interface integer function oper1 (adj, add, mod, dat) logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat end function oper1 integer function oper2 (adj, add, mod, dat) logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat end function oper2 end interface logical, intent (in) :: adj, add real, dimension (:) :: mod, dat1, dat2
integer :: stat1, stat2 if (adj) then stat1 = oper1 (.true., add, mod, dat1) stat2 = oper2 (.true., .true., mod, dat2) else stat1 = oper1 (.false., add, mod, dat1) stat2 = oper2 (.false., add, mod, dat2) end if end subroutine array
end module chainmod
module conjgrad_mod real, dimension (:), allocatable, private :: s, ss real, parameter, private :: eps = 1.e-12contains
subroutine conjgrad_close () deallocate (s, ss) end subroutine conjgrad_close
function conjgrad (forget, x, g, rr, gg) result (stat) integer :: stat real, dimension (:) :: x, g, rr, gg logical :: forget
real, save :: rnp real :: rn, alpha, beta
rn = dot_product (g, g) if (.not. allocated (s)) then allocate (s (size (x ))) allocate (ss (size (rr))) forget = .true. end if
if (forget .or. rnp < eps) then alpha = 0.d0 else alpha = rn / rnp end if
s = g + alpha * s ! model step ss = gg + alpha * ss ! data step
beta = dot_product (ss, ss) if (beta > eps) then alpha = rn / beta x = x + alpha * s ! update model rr = rr - alpha * ss ! update residual end if
rnp = rn ; forget = .false. stat = 0 end function conjgrad
end module conjgrad_mod