Next: Flow Properties
Up: Geophysics-PE: Reservoir monitoring
Previous: Geometry and Gridding
Properties for the simulations used in this study were picked to resemble a
North Sea oil. The input of the phase behavior for black-oil models is in
terms of formation
volume factors, Bj, component solubilities, Ri,j, and
phase densities at standard conditions,
,(1 atm and
The insitu phase densities
which are required for determining seismic properties,
can always be recovered using
|  |
(1) |
Formation volume factors for oil and gas as well as the solubility
of the gas component into the oil phase, Rg,o, generally denominated as
Rs, are shown in Figure
. The oil component was assumed
to be present in the oil phase only (Ro,g = 0.0 for all pressures).
The phase densities at standard conditions for oil, gas, and water were taken to
, and
Figure 7 Oil and gas formation volume factors and gas solubility
as a function of pressure. Solubility of oil into the gas phase was
assumed zero. The water component is assumed present in the
water phase only.
Next: Flow Properties
Up: Geophysics-PE: Reservoir monitoring
Previous: Geometry and Gridding
Stanford Exploration Project