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Simple seismic processing pipeline

The next example controls a simple processing job using SEP software. A dialog box is used to input a file name. This file is read into a bandpass filter program, then converted to one byte per sample (for display) by the program Byte, then plotted. Sliders are used to specify the cutoff frequencies for the filter, and for the percentile of the filtered data that is clipped to the maximum intensity in the float to byte conversion.

button={ name=QUIT action=QUIT }
button={ label=GO 
  action="Bandpass flo=$flo fhi=$fhi phase=$phase < $file > band.h ;            Byte pclip=$pclip < band.h | Ta2vplot | Xtpen &"
dialog={ name=file label="input file" value="Dat/wz.25.H" }
hbox={ name=noborder
    message={ value=Bandpass }
    slider={ name=flo label=flo min=0 max=125 value=0 format="%.2f" }
    slider={ name=fhi label=fhi min=0 max=125 value=125 format="%.2f" }
    choice={ name=phase label=phase value=0
      item={ label="zero" value="0" }
      item={ label="minimum" value="1" }
    message={ value=Byte }
    slider={ name=pclip label=pclip min=0 max=100 value=99 format="%.0f" }

Figure 5
A panel to control the execution of two seplib programs.

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Stanford Exploration Project