Next: CRG datuming from an
Previous: CRG datuming from an
As in static-shift datuming, I downward datum the
prestack data from the irregular earth surface to a lower planar datum.
I then carry out the conventional seismic data processing sequence
(Stolt and Benson, 1986).
This processing is in the realm of the prestack depth migration problem.
Using the common-shot gather
wavefields as boundary condition, I run the two-way wave equation backward
in time, and collect the history wavefields at the new datum as the
common-shot gather at this datum.
According to the imaging principle that the
source and receiver wavefields are time-coincident (Claerbout, 1971, 1976;
Chang and McMechan, 1986; McMechan and Chen, 1990; Reshef, 1991),
we can also obtain the depth reflectivity section between
the old upper and the new lower datums.
Next: CRG datuming from an
Previous: CRG datuming from an
Stanford Exploration Project