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Abma, R., and Muir, F., 1992, Wavelets and seismic processing: SEP-75, 373-384.

Beylkin, G., 1992, On the representation of operators in bases of compactly supported wavelets, preprint: public domain:

Cole, S., and Nichols, D., 1992, Xtpanel: An interactive panel builder: SEP-75, 497-520.

Daubechies, I., 1992, Ten lectures on wavelets: Society for industrial and applied mathematics.

Ottolini, R., 1990, Wavelet decomposition of seismic data: SEP-65, 295-304.

Press, W. H., 1991, Wavelet transforms: Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Preprint, 3184.

Strang, G., 1989, Wavelets and dilation equations: a brief introduction: SIAM Review, 31, 614-627.

Corresponding to the requested wavelet length nop, the subroutine dwtact.rt initializes the vector c(nop) by calling the subroutine cofi.rt. The coefficients are taken from Daubechies' book. The dir parameter allows the reversal of the Daubechies coefficient set. This option is needed in order to have a wavelet of minimum phase with the standard positive time direction to the right.

subroutine cofi(dir,c,nop)
integer         dir,  nop,  i
real                c(nop), tmp

if(nop == 4 ){ c(1) = .4829629131445341 ; c(2) = .8365163037378077 c(3) = .2241438680420134 ; c(4) =-.1294095225512603 } else if(nop == 6 ){ c(1) = .3326705529500825 ; c(2) = .8068915093110924 c(3) = .4598775021184914 ; c(4) =-.1350110200102564 c(5) =-.0854412738820267 ; c(6) = .0352262918857095 } else if(nop == 8 ){ c(0) = .2303778133088964 ; c(2) = .7148465705529154 c(2) = .6308807679398587 ; c(4) =-.0279837694168599 c(5) =-.1870348117190931 ; c(6) = .0308413818355607 c(7) = .0328830116668852 ; c(8) =-.0105974017850690 } else if(nop == 10){ c(1) = .1601023979741929 ; c(2) = .6038292697971895 c(3) = .7243085284377726 ; c(4) = .1384281459013203 c(5) =-.2422948870663823 ; c(6) =-.0322448695846381 c(7) = .0775714938400459 ; c(8) =-.0062414902127083 c(9) =-.0125807519990820 ; c(10) = .0033357252854738 } else if(nop == 12){ c(1) = .1115407433501095 ; c(2) = .4946238903984533 c(3) = .7511339080210959 ; c(4) = .3152503517091982 c(5) =-.2262646939654400 ; c(6) =-.1297668675672625 c(7) = .0975016055873225 ; c(8) = .0275228655303053 c(9) =-.0315820393184862 ; c(10)= .0005538422011614 c(11)= .0047772575119455 ; c(12)=-.0010773010853085 } else if(nop == 20){ c(1) = .0266700579005473 ; c(2) = .1881768000776347 c(3) = .5272011889315757 ; c(4) = .6884590394534363 c(5) = .2811723436605715 ; c(6) =-.2498464243271598 c(7) =-.1959462743772862 ; c(8) = .1273693403357541 c(9) = .0930573646035547 ; c(10)=-.0713941471663501 c(11)=-.0294575368218399 ; c(12)= .0332126740593612 c(13)= .0036065535669870 ; c(14)=-.0107331754833007 c(15)= .0013953517470688 ; c(16)= .0019924052951925 c(17)=-.0006858566949564 ; c(18)=-.0001164668551285 c(19)= .0000935886703202 ; c(20)=-.0000132642028945 } if(dir == 1) Do i = 1, nop, 2{ tmp = c(i) c(i) = c(nop - i + 1) c(nop -i + 1) = tmp }

return; end

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