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Figure 12 Marmousi 2-D velocity model.
Top panel is original velocity model, lower panel is a smoothed
version using a pyramid of base half-width equal to 80 m, which
is used for the traveltime and interpolation calculations.
Figure 13 Marmousi velocity model.
Contours of traveltime field for
the two given surface source positions at 4.75 km (top) and 5.25 km
Figure 14 Marmousi velocity model.
Horizontal (top) and vertical
(bottom) traveltime gradient fields for
the surface source positioned at 4.75 km.
Figure 15 Marmousi velocity model.
Horizontal (top) and vertical
(bottom) traveltime gradient fields for
the surface source positioned at 5.25 km.
Figure 16 Marmousi velocity model.
Interpolated traveltime field.
The top panel is the interpolated traveltime field for a surface
source positioned at 5.00 km. The lower panel is the relative
error between the interpolated traveltime field, and the correct
traveltimes modeled by finite differencing the eikonal. The
contour farthest from the source region is at 5% relative error,
and the contour values increase to 50% error right at the source
location, in 5% contour increments.
Figure 17 Marmousi velocity model.
Horizontal (top) and vertical
(bottom) traveltime gradient fields for
the interpolated surface source positioned at 5.00 km.
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Stanford Exploration Project