Something to notice with ops is that, although they are objects, they cannot be copied and assigned like most objects. This is because, in most cases, operators are accessed as ops, but are in fact some class derived from op. Thus, when ops are passed around, or assigned, it must be done by reference, or with pointers. Also, an op cannot be a return value, even by reference, because the op will be erased when it goes out of scope. This may seem complicated, so here is a complete list of things you can do with an op:
NAME <type>op - The virtual base class for linear operators.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>op.h>
DESCRIPTION The class <type>op is a virtual base class defining the operations that must be defined for a linear operator. These include a constructor, a des- tructor (which does not always need to be written), a Forward function, and a Conjugate function. The last two take a <type>space and return a <type>space. In addition, the <type>op base class will allow a derived operator to cycle over the <type>spaces of a <type>spacearray automati- cally. Lastly, any derived class is provided with functions to get the <type>Array or Axislist from a <type>space, and the rows and cols from a <type>spacearray.
Something to notice is there is no copy constructor for a <type>op. This is because all classes derived from <type>op can be referred to as a <type>op. The result of this is that <type>ops cannot be copied or assigned, or passed by functions. A function can be passed a pointer or reference to a <type>op, but not the <type>op itself. In addition, a <type>op cannot be a return value, nor can a reference to a <type>op be a return value.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS virtual <type>space Forward(<type>space &) = 0 virtual <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &) = 0 These must be written for an operator derived from <type>op.
<type>spacearray Forward(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray Conjugate(<type>spacearray &) These cause an operator to automatically cycle over the <type>spaces in a <type>spacearray, applying itself to each one.
PROTECTED OPERATIONS int rows(<type>spacearray &) int cols(<type>spacearray &) A class derived from <type>op gets special access to the private members of <type>spacearray through these functions- it can get (but not change) the number of rows and columns.
<type>Array & getdata(<type>space &) A class derived from <type>op also gets special access to the private members of <type>space. getdata allows access to the <type>Array in a <type>space, which can be changed with this function.
Axislist & getinfo(<type>space &) getinfo allows access to the Axislist in a <type>space, which can be changed with this function.
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>spacearray, <type>opone, <type>opchain, <type>optrans,
Scale is an operator derived directly fromop; it multiplies a space by a constant.
NAME <type>Scale - Operator to scale a <type>space.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opscale.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>Scale is a <type>op which multiplies a whole <type>space by a <type>. The Conjugate function behaves the same as Forward.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Scale(<type> value) Create a <type>Scale which multiples by value.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE VARIABLE <type> factor
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op
Although a simple operator such as Scale is easy to write as a direct derivative of op, most operators are derived from opone. Class opone handles some of the work that most operators share, making it better to derive an operator from.opone automatically arranges the input space in the proper order for the central routine, setting up the output space, and cycling over any extra axes. Thus, deriving an operator from opone saves a lot of work; all that needs to be defined in the derived class are the constructor, and the central routine (and maybe a destructor).
NAME <type>opone - base class for most linear operators.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opone.h>
DESCRIPTION The <type>opone class is a class derived from <type>op, to be used as a base class that makes writing linear operators easier. It handles creating the output space, arranging the input space (through transposes) so that the axes are in the right order for calculating, and cycling over any extraneous axes. Thus, to write an operator which is derived from <type>opone, you need only write the constructors, the destructor (if one is needed), and the dodata function, to do the calculation.
<type>opone(const Axislist &,const Axislist &) Create an <type>opone given an input and output Axislist for the operator.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &) These functions call the functions which rearrange the input space, create the output space, cycle over extraneous axes, and finally call the dodata routine. Thus, in writing an operator derived from <type>opone, everything is handled except for the dodata routine itself.
<type>spacearray Forward(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray Conjugate(<type>spacearray &) These are simply passed through to <type>op, which calls Forward or Conjugate for each <type>space in the <type>spacearray.
PROTECTED VARIABLES Axislist inaxis An Axislist which describes the input axes that are required of a <type>space for Forward to be called on it. Any axes that the <type>space has the are not in inaxis will be cycled over.
Axislist outaxis An Axislist describing the axes that Forward will create. Also, any axes that are cycled over will be stuck on the back of the output Axislist.
The two previous definitions can be reversed for when the Conjugate func- tion is called.
PROTECTED OPERATIONS virtual void forwarddata(<type>Array & in,<type>Array & The function that Forward calls to process the input <type>Array. It
can be overwritten by an operator derived from <type>opone, but if not, it calls the dodata function.
virtual Axislist forwardinfo(Axislist &) This function is called by Forward, given the input <type>spaces Axislist, and returns the Axislist of the output <type>space.
virtual void conjdata(<type>Array &,<type>Array &) virtual Axislist conjinfo(Axislist &) Same as above, except for Conjugate.
virtual void dodata(<type>Array & a,<type>Array & The dodata function is meant to be overwritten by a derived class. When called by Forward, conj=0, a is the input <type>Array, and b is the output. When called by Conjugate, conj=1, a is the output, and b is the input.
PRIVATE OPERATIONS <type>space forwardorder(<type>space &) void forwardhelp(int,int,int,Axislist &,<type>Array &,<type>Array &)
type>space conjorder(<type>space &) void conjhelp(int,int,int,Axislist &,<type>Array &,<type>Array &)
DERIVED CLASSES To write an operator derived from <type>opone, you must:
1. Write a constructor the defines inaxis, outaxis, and initializes any internal variables.
2. If the constructor used new or malloc on any variable, write a destruc- tor to delete or free these variables.
3. Write the dodata routine to do the work of the operator. For conj=0, the Forward case, dodata will take a <type>Array matching inaxis, and return a <type>Array matching outaxis. For conj=1, Conjugate, a <type>Array matching inaxis must be created from a <type>Array matching outaxis.
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op, <type>Array,
The next few man pages are operators derived from opone. First, a matrix multiply operator, Matmul, which multiplies by a space.
NAME <type>Matmul - <type>opwhich performs a matrix multiply.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opmul.h>
DESCRIPTION This class is an operator, derived from <type>opone, which multiplies a <type>space by a <type>space, or <type>Array, in the manner of matrix mul- tiply. When you construct the <type>Matmul, you specify the left side matrix, and the two axes, one to contract and the other to expand. The Axis to contract along matches the columns of the left side; the Axis to expand, the rows. When the <type>Matmul is applied to a <type>space, through the Forward function, it multiplies the <type>space by the left-side, along the contracting Axis.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Matmul(<type>space &) Constructs a <type>Matmul with the <type>space as the matrix to multi- ply by.
<type>Matmul(Axis & in,Axis & out,<type>Array &) Constructs a <type>Matmul by specifying the Axis to contract (in), expand (out), and the <type>Array to multiply by.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE VARIABLE <type>Array matrix
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(<type>Array &,<type>Array &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op, <type>opone
This operator, Pad, pads or truncates one of the axes in a space.
NAME <type>Pad - Operator to pad or truncate a <type>space.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>oppad.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>Pad is a <type>opone to pad or truncate along one axis of a <type>space. Padding involves adding zeros on one end, truncating shortens the data. In constructing the <type>Pad, the number of samples to pad or truncate at the front and back are specified. The Conjugate function does the opposite- that is, pads where Forward truncates, and truncates where Forward pads.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Pad(Axis &,int front,int back) Construct a <type>Pad which operates on the Axis, padding front number of zeros to the front, and back zeros to the back. If front or back are negative, it truncates instead of padding (also by that number).
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE VARIABLES int front int back
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(<type>Array &,<type>Array &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>opone
Shift moves the data in a space along one of its axes.
NAME <type>Shift - Operator to shift a <type>space along an axis.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opshift.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>Shift is a <type>opone which shifts one of the axes of a <type>space, changing the origin. It does nothing to the data.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Shift(Axis &,int shift) Create a <type>Shift which moves the origin of the Axis by shift posi- tions. If shift is positive, the axis is advanced (the origin increases), otherwise the axis regresses.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(<type>Array &,<type>Array &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space,
Convolve performs a 1 dimensional convolution on one of the axes of a space.
NAME <type>Convolve - Operator to do 1-D convolution
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opconv.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>Convolve is a <type>opone which convolves by a filter along one dimension. Constructing the operator involves specifying the Axis to con- volve along, and the filter to convolve with. The output, along the Axis of convolution, will be longer, by the length of the filter - 1, than the input.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Convolve(<type>Array &,Axis &) Create a <type>Convolve giving a <type>Array filter and an Axis to convolve. The filter is copied into the <type>Convolve.
<type>Convolve(<type>space &,Axis &) Same, except using a <type>space as the filter.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE VARIABLE <type>Array filter
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(<type>Array &,<type>Array &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>opone, <type>Array, <type>Contrunc
Interp does a linear interpolation along one of the axes of a space. This changes the length of the data along this axis.
NAME <type>Interp - Operator to interpolate data.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opinter.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>Interp takes a <type>space, and changes the length of one of the axes. In doing this, it maps one sample into each of the points in the out- put space, interpolating linearly to determine which point of the input space is used. To do this the opposite way (mapping each point of the input space to the output space), use the Conjugate function. To construct a <type>Interp, you simply specify the input Axis, and the output Axis.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Interp(Axis & in,Axis & out) Construct a <type>Interp given the in and out Axis.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(<type>Array &,<type>Array &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op,
Mask is an operator which sets some of the values in a space, along one of the axes, equal to zero.
NAME <type>Mask - Operator to mask a <type>space along an axis.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opmask.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>Mask is a <type>opone which masks a <type>space, meaning it sets some of the values equal to zero. The axis to mask along, and the positions along this axis to set to zero, are specified in the constructor. The Con- jugate function does the same thing as the Forward function.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Mask(Axis &,int *) Construct a <type>Mask given the Axis to mask along, and an int array which has zeros at the positions which are set to zero. The int array is copied into the operator.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(<type>Array &,<type>Array &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>opone
Select creates a sub-space which is formed by taking some of the values from a space along one of the axes.
NAME <type>Select - Operator to select values from a <type>space.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opselect.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>Select is a <type>opone which operates along one axis of a <type>space. It selects some of the values along this axis to go into the output <type>space, leaving others out. In creating a <type>Select, the Axis to operate on is specified, as well as which positions to select the values from. The Conjugate function reverses this, putting zeros in the positions which are not selected by the Forward operator.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Select(Axis &,int *) Create a <type>Select, specifying the Axis to operate on and an int array indicating which positions are selected. The operator selects the positions where the int array is not equal to zero.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(<type>Array &,<type>Array &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space,
NMO performs normal moveout on a space.
NAME NMO - Operator to perform normal moveout on a floatspace.
SYNOPSIS #include <NMO.h>
DESCRIPTION NMO is a floatopone which performs normal moveout on a floatspace. Con- structing the NMO requires specification of the time axis, offset axis, and a slow parameter or array (slowness is 1/velocity).
PUBLIC OPERATIONS NMO(Axis & time,Axis & offset,float slow) NMO(Axis & time,Axis & offset,float slow[]) Create an /fBNMO/fP with slow as an array- must be the same length as the time axis. The slow array is copied into the operator.
floatspace Forward(floatspace &) floatspace Conjugate(floatspace &)
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(floatArray &,floatArray &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>opone, NMOstack, NMOstack2
NMOstack performs normal moveout and stack on a space.
NAME NMOstack - Operator to perform normal moveout and stack on a floatspace.
SYNOPSIS #include <NMOstack.h>
DESCRIPTION NMOstack is a floatopone to perform normal moveout and stack the results. In constructing an NMOstack, the time Axis, offset Axis, and a slow value or array must be specified. The offset axis is contracted along, so the output space has one less dimension than the input space.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS NMOstack(Axis & time,Axis & offset,float slow) NMOstack(Axis & time,Axis & offset,float slow[]) This constructor takes the slow parameter as an array, which must be the same length as the time Axis. This array is copied into the opera- tor.
floatspace Forward(floatspace &) floatspace Conjugate(floatspace &)
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(floatArray &,floatArray &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>opone, NMO, NMOstack2
NMOstack2 does the same as NMOstack, but outputting a 2 dimensional space, rather than eliminating one of the axes.
NAME NMOstack2 - Operator to perform normal moveout and stack on a floatspace.
SYNOPSIS #include <NMOstack2.h>
DESCRIPTION NMOstack2 is a floatopone to perform normal moveout and stack the results. In constructing an NMOstack2, the time Axis, offset Axis, and a slow value or array must be specified. NMOstack2 reduces the length of the offset axis to 1 in the output space, so the output space has the same number of dimen- sions as the input space.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS NMOstack2(Axis & time,Axis & offset,float slow) NMOstack2(Axis & time,Axis & offset,float slow[]) This constructor takes the slow parameter as an array, which must be the same length as the time Axis. This array is copied into the opera- tor.
floatspace Forward(floatspace &) floatspace Conjugate(floatspace &)
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(floatArray &,floatArray &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>opone, NMO, NMOstack
Vspray does calculates the velocity spectra of a space.
NAME Vspray - Operator to perform velocity spectra.
SYNOPSIS #include <Vspray.h>
DESCRIPTION Vspray is a floatopone which performs velocity spectra. Constructing the Vspray requires specification of the data Axislist- with a time and offset axis, and the velocity space Axislist- with a tau and velocity axis. The time and tau axes must be the same.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS Vspray(Axislist & data,Axislist & vspace) floatspace Forward(floatspace &) floatspace Conjugate(floatspace &)
PRIVATE OPERATION void dodata(floatArray &,floatArray &,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>opone
Operators can be applied to spaces singly, as one would do with the above operators. In addition, classes exist to enable creating the conjugate operator, and to create operators which are the product of operators. The class opconj handles the conjugate of an operator.
NAME <type>opconj - Class to take the conjugate of a <type>op.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opt>
DESCRIPTION <type>opconj is a class to automatically handle conjugation of a <type>op. When a <type>opconj is made from a <type>op, it calls the Conjugate of the <type>op when Forward is called, and the Forward of the <type>op when Con- jugate is called. Notice that <type>opconj contains only a pointer to the <type>op, and has no copy or assignment operations. This means that a <type>opconj must be declared, not used as a temporary. Also, the <type>op that is in the <type>opconj must be maintained (not changed or deleted) for the <type>opconj to work.
FRIEND OPERATION friend <type>opconj conj(<type>op &)
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
<type>opconj(<type>op &)
PRIVATE VARIABLE <type>op * op
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op, <type>oparray,
Class opchain stores the product of operators. This product can be done by the user, or set up by a class derived from opchain.
NAME <type>opchain - class to store products of operators.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opc.h>
DESCRIPTION Class <type>opchain is class derived from <type>op which allows for automatic handling of products of <type>ops. Multiplying two <type>ops yields a <type>opchain which, when the Forward function is called, applies the second <type>op to the <type>space, followed by the first <type>op. The Conjugate function calls the Conjugate of the <type>ops, in reverse order. One thing that is important to notice is that the <type>opchain contains pointer to <type>ops, not the <type>ops themselves. Thus, the <type>ops must be maintained (not changed or deleted), or the <type>opchain will not work.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS friend <type>opchain operator*(<type>opchain,const <type>opchain &) This handles products of <type>ops. If the arguments are <type>ops, rather than <type>opchains, they will be converted to <type>opchains by the constructor below. Then, a <type>opchain containing the product of the <type>ops is returned.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &); <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &);
<type>spacearray Forward(<type>spacearray & x) <type>spacearray Conjugate(<type>spacearray & x)
<type>opchain(); <type>opchain(<type>op &); <type>opchain(const <type>opchain &); <type>opchain & operator=(const <type>opchain &); <type>opchain();
PRIVATE VARIABLES <type>op **ops int num
PRIVATE OPERATION void append(<type>op &)
DERIVED CLASSES It is possible to derive classes from <type>opchain, which represent specific products of <type>ops. Classes of this form will contain the operators of the chain, as private members. Then, the only code that needs to be written is a constructor, which first initializes the operators in the chain (by calling their constructors), and then calling the copy con- structor on the product of these operators. This class will then act as the product of the operators within it.
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>spacearray, <type>op, <type>oparray,
Contrunc is a class derived from opchain which convolves along 1 dimension, and then truncates the data to a certain length. Contrunc contains a Convolve operator, a Shift operator, and a Pad operator, which it applies in order.
NAME <type>Contrunc - Operator to convolve in 1-D and truncate.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opcont.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>Contrunc convolves the traces of a <type>space by a filter, truncates the result, and shifts the data so that it starts in the same position as the input. Constructing a <type>Contrunc requires specification of the filter, the Axis to apply it to, and the number of samples to truncate off the front and back of the result. <type>Contrunc is derived from <type>opchain, as it is a composite operator.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>Contrunc(<type>Array &,Axis &,int front,int back) Construct the <type>Contrunc given a <type>Array to use as the filter, an Axis to apply it too, and the number of samples to truncate off the front and back. The output data will be shifted to have the same ori- gin as the input data.
<type>Contrunc(<type>space &,Axis &,int front,int back) Same thing, except use the <type>space as the filter.
<type>space Forward(<type>space &) <type>space Conjugate(<type>space &)
PRIVATE VARIABLES <type>Convolve conv <type>Pad trunc <type>Shift shift
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op, <type>opchain, <type>Convolve, <type>Pad, <type>Shift
The man pages up to this point have described the framework for single operators and spaces; that is, without arrays of operators or spaces. So, we can examine some of the functions which use this framework. First, given an operator, there exists a test, the dot product test, which verifies that the Forward and Conjugate functions are really conjugate to each other.
NAME <type>dotprod - Function that performs the dot product test on a operator.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>dotprod.h>
DESCRIPTION <type> <type>dotprod(Axislist & in,Axislist & out,<type>op &,long seed=0)
This function tests a <type>op to make sure that its Forward and Conjugate functions really are conjugate to each other. The function takes in, the input Axislist of the <type>op, and out, the output Axislist, and the <type>op. It returns the fractional difference in the two results given by the test. This should be just round-off error in the <type>op, near machine precision. If it is fairly large, the operator is probably coded wrong.
<type>dotprod uses drand48 to generate the random numbers for the test. If a seed is passed to the function, it is used to seed the random number gen- erator using srand48; otherwise, the generator is unseeded.
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op
Another thing we can do with this framework is write general conjugate gradient solvers. One of these is a Hestenes solver.
NAME <type>hestenes - Function to solve conjugate gradient problem.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>hest.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>space <type>hestenes(<type>space x0,<type>space & y,<type>op & A,int niter)
<type>hestenes runs the Hestenes conjugate gradient solver on the problem
min || A x - y ||^2
given x0 as an initial guess for x. The solver currently ignores the ini- tial guess. The solver runs for niter iterations, then returns its solu- tion.
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op, <type>book3, <type>arrayhestenes
Here is another solver.
NAME <type>book3 - Function to solve conjugate gradient problem.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>book3.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>space <type>book3(<type>space x0,<type>space & y,<type>op & A,int niter)
<type>book3 runs a conjugate gradient solver on the problem
min || A x - y ||^2
given x0 as an initial guess for x. The solver runs for niter iterations, then returns its solution.
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op, <type>arraybook3, <type>hestenes
In addition to the basic framework of spaces and operators, arrays of the two are also supported by another set of classes. The class spacearray has very similar functionality to space, except now the class contains a 2 dimensional array of spaces.
NAME <type>spacearray - A class that is an array of <type>spaces.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>spacea.h>
DESCRIPTION A <type>spacearray is a 2 dimensional array of <type>spaces. A <type>spacearray is constructed by specifying the size, and then assigning <type>spaces into it. The arithmetic operators apply to <type>spacearrays, both with <type>s and other <type>spacearrays. <type>ops and <type>oparrays are meant as the main method for calculating using <type>spacearrays- both are friends to the class.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>spacearray(int i=1,int j=1) Constructs a <type>spacearray with i rows and j columns.
<type>spacearray(<type>space &) Constructs a 1x1 <type>spacearray containing the <type>space.
<type>spacearray empty() Returns a <type>spacearray with the same number of rows and columns, the same axislists, but with all the spaces = 0.
<type>spacearray(const <type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray()
float norm() float norm2() norm returns the square root of the sum of the squares of the elements in all the <type>spaces in the <type>spacearray. norm2 returns the norm squared.
<type> cross(<type>spacearray &) If the two <type>spacearrays are conformable, cross multiplies the two, element by element, and sums. For two <type>spacearrays to be conformable, they must have the same number of rows and columns, and each corresponding pair of <type>spaces must be conformable.
<type>spacearray trans() Returns a new <type>spacearray that is created by switching the rows and columns of the <type>spacearray. All of the <type>spaces are copied.
friend <type>spacearray operator+(<type>,<type>spacearray &) friend <type>spacearray operator+(<type>spacearray &,<type>) friend <type>spacearray operator+(<type>spacearray &,<type>spacearray &)
friend <type>spacearray operator-(<type>,<type>spacearray &) friend <type>spacearray operator-(<type>spacearray &,<type>)
friend <type>spacearray operator-(<type>spacearray &,<type>spacearray &)
friend <type>spacearray operator*(<type>,<type>spacearray &) friend <type>spacearray operator*(<type>spacearray &,<type>) friend <type>spacearray operator*(<type>spacearray &,<type>spacearray &)
friend <type>spacearray operator/(<type>,<type>spacearray &) friend <type>spacearray operator/(<type>spacearray &,<type>) friend <type>spacearray operator/(<type>spacearray &,<type>spacearray &)
<type>spacearray operator+() <type>spacearray operator-() The arithmetic operators, applied to two <type>spacearrays, check to see if the two are conformable, and if they are, performs the opera- tion element by element.
<type>spacearray & operator=(const <type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray & operator=(<type>) <type>spacearray & operator+=(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray & operator+=(<type>) <type>spacearray & operator-=(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray & operator-=(<type>) <type>spacearray & operator*=(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray & operator*=(<type>) <type>spacearray & operator/=(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray & operator/=(<type>)
<type>space & operator()(int i=0,int j=0) Returns a reference to the <type>space at coordinates (i,j). This <type>space can be assigned to.
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &,<type>spacearray &)
PRIVATE VARIABLES int rows int cols <type>space * spaces
PRIVATE OPERATIONS void compatible(<type>spacearray &) <type>space & getspace(int i,int j)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>op, <type>oparray
The class oparraybase provides a base class for operator arrays. This class is not meant for use, but is necessary so that the various types of oparrays can be treated as one type. The same rules that apply to operators apply to oparraybases and their derived classes.
NAME <type>oparraybase - Virtual base class for arrays of <type>ops.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opabase.h> It is doubtful you would ever include this file, as it is included in <<type>opa.h>, which is the useful class.
DESCRIPTION This class provides a virtual base class that <type>oparray and <type>oparrayconj are derived from. This is necessary for operator chain- ing, but the class is not useful for anything.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS virtual <type>spacearray Forward(<type>spacearray &) = 0 virtual <type>spacearray Conjugate(<type>spacearray &) = 0
SEE ALSO <type>spacearray, <type>oparray, <type>oparrayconj
Class oparray is the actual class the contains an array of operators. When an oparray is applied to a spacearray, the product is handled like a matrix multipliy. That is, the rows of the oparray are applied to the columns of the spacearray, and these results are summed. However, instead of each product just being a multiplication, it is an op being applied to a space.
The way to create an oparray is to construct it, telling it how big it should be (how many rows and columns). Then, assign pointers to operators into the array. These pointers to operators can be changed within the oparray, but in general, changing the operators within an oparray indicates that you want a new oparray, rather than to reuse an old one.
NAME <type>oparray - Class that is an array of operators.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>oparray.h>
DESCRIPTION Class <type>oparray is an array of operators, which can be applied to a <type>spacearray. Both a <type>oparray and a <type>spacearray have 2 dimen- sions, and applying a <type>oparray to a <type>spacearray is handled like matrix multiplication. That is, the rows of the <type>oparray are multi- plied by the columns of the <type>spacearray, and this is summed along.
The <type>oparray does not contain copies of the <type>ops, but rather pointers to them. Thus, the <type>ops cannot be changed or deleted, or the <type>oparray will behave strangely.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>oparray(int i=1,int j=1) Constructs a <type>oparray, with the number of rows and columns speci- fied by i and j.
<type>oparray(<type>op &) Creates a 1x1 <type>oparray containing the <type>op.
<type>op *& operator()(int i,int j=0) Returns a pointer to the <type>op at position (i,j) in the <type>oparray. This pointer, being a reference, can be changed, to put a different operator into the <type>oparray. Assigning an operator into the <type>oparray in this manner must be done by assigning the pointer to the <type>op. Generally, the method for creating a <type>oparray is define its size, and then assign the <type>ops into it.
<type>spacearray Forward(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray Conjugate(<type>spacearray &) These are the functions for applying a <type>oparray to a <type>spacearray. In the case of Forward, if the <type>oparray has the same number of columns as the <type>spacearray has rows, then the rows of the <type>oparray are multiplied by the columns of the <type>spacearray, and summed. This is just like matrix multiplication. Conjugate does the same, except with the transpose of the <type>oparray.
PRIVATE VARIABLES int rows int cols <type> ** ops
PRIVATE OPERATION <type>op *& getop(int,int)
SEE ALSO <type>space, <type>spacearray, <type>op, <type>oparraychain, <type>oparrayconj
Class oparrayconj handles conjugating an oparraybase.
NAME <type>oparrayconj - Class to conjugate <type>oparrays.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opat.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>oparrayconj is a class, derived from <type>oparraybase, to automati- cally handle conjugation of a <type>oparray. When a <type>oparrayconj is made from a <type>oparray, it calls the Conjugate of the <type>oparray when Forward is called, and the Forward of the <type>oparray when Conjugate is called. The <type>oparrayconj class can also conjugate other <type>oparrayconj objects, and <type>oparraychain objects.
Notice that <type>oparrayconj contains only a pointer to the <type>oparray, and has no copy or assignment operations. This means that a <type>oparrayconj must be declared, not used as a temporary. Also, the <type>oparray that is in the <type>oparrayconj must be maintained (not changed or deleted) for the <type>oparrayconj to work.
FRIEND OPERATION friend <type>oparrayconj conj(<type>oparraybase &) Create a <type>oparrayconj the is the conjugate of the <type>oparraybase.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>spacearray Forward(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray Conjugate(<type>spacearray &)
<type>oparrayconj(<type>oparraybase &)
PRIVATE VARIABLE <type>oparraybase * op
SEE ALSO <type>spacearray, <type>op, <type>oparraybase, <type>oparray, <type>oparraychain
The product of oparrays is done with class oparraychain.
NAME <type>oparraychain - Class to chain <type>oparrays.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>opac.h>
DESCRIPTION Class <type>oparraychain is class derived from <type>oparraybase which allows for automatic handling of products of <type>oparrays. Multiplying two <type>oparrays yields a <type>oparraychain which, when the Forward function is called, applies the second <type>oparray to the <type>spacearray, followed by the first <type>oparray. Because all three of <type>oparray, <type>oparraychain, and <type>oparrayconj are derived from <type>oparraybase, multiplying any of the types together will yield a <type>oparraychain. The Conjugate function calls the Conjugate of the <type>oparrays, in reverse order.
One thing that is important to notice is that the <type>oparraychain con- tains pointer to <type>oparrays, not the <type>oparrays themselves. Thus, the <type>oparrays must be maintained (not changed or deleted), or the <type>oparraychain will not work.
FRIEND OPERATION friend <type>oparraychain operator*(<type>oparraychain,const <type>oparraychain &)
This function provides for the product of <type>oparraybases. The <type>oparraychain(<type>oparraybase &) constructor is used to change the <type>oparraybases to a <type>oparraychain, and then the two are chained together.
PUBLIC OPERATIONS <type>spacearray Forward(<type>spacearray &) <type>spacearray Conjugate(<type>spacearray &)
<type>oparraychain() <type>oparraychain(<type>oparraybase &) Constructs a <type>oparraychain containing one <type>oparraybase.
<type>oparraychain(const <type>oparraychain &) <type>oparraychain & operator=(const <type>oparraychain &) <type>oparraychain()
PRIVATE VARIABLES int num <type>oparraybase **ops
PRIVATE OPERATION void append(<type>oparraybase &)
SEE ALSO <type>spacearray, <type>op, <type>oparraybase, <type>oparray,
The solver routines also work for oparrays, except they must be rewritten for array operators and spaces. First the Hestenes solver. Then the PVI solver.
NAME <type>arrayhestenes - Function to solve conjugate gradient problem.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>ahest.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>spacearray <type>arrayhestenes(<type>spacearray x0,<type>spacearray & y,<type>oparray & A,int niter)
<type>arrayhestenes runs the Hestenes conjugate gradient solver on the problem
min || A x - y ||^2
given x0 as an initial guess for x. The solver currently disregards the initial guess. The solver runs for niter iterations, then returns its solu- tion.
SEE ALSO <type>spacearray, <type>oparray, <type>arraybook3, <type>hestenes
NAME <type>arraybook3 - Function to solve conjugate gradient problem.
SYNOPSIS #include <<type>abook3.h>
DESCRIPTION <type>spacearray <type>arraybook3(<type>spacearray x,<type>spacearray & y,<type>oparray &
/fB<type>arraybook3/fP runs a conjugate gradient solver on the problem:
min || A x - y ||^2
given an initial guess for x. The solver runs for niter iterations, then returns its solution.
SEE ALSO <type>spacearray, <type>oparray, <type>book3, <type>arrayhestenes