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SEP.idoc.rules constitutes only a part of the essential wisdom of interactive documents. Other things you need to worry about are establishing the overall seplib environment and X environment. For this I refer you to Claerbout (1991) and Dellinger and Tálas (1992). Also, on any sizeable document, there will be libraries and executables that figure-building cakefiles assume to be present but are not actually built by those figure-building cakefiles. In my textbook Claerbout (1992) the building process requires a preliminary tour of all the figure-building cakefiles with a cake install which builds a handful of executable main programs needed in the book that are not generally needed by the whole of SEP. Recently, I have been experimenting with another arrangement where such programs are kept in a Src directory, and cakefiles that need them use a symbolic link to the Src directory.

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