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Berryhill, J. R., 1979, Wave equation datuming: Geophysics, 44, no. 8, 1329-1344.

Berryhill, J. R., 1984, Wave equation datuming before stack (short note): Geophysics, 49, no. 11, 2064-2067.

Berryhill, J. A., 1986, Submarine canyons - velocity replacement by wave equation datuming before stack: Geophysics, 51, no. 8, 1572-1579.

Bevc, D., 1991, Refractions statics in mountainous terrain: SEP-72, 177-180.

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Yilmaz, O., and Lucas, D., 1986, Prestack layer replacement: Geophysics, 51, no. 7, 1355-1369.

Stanford Exploration Project