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I implement the algorithm in several straightforward one-dimensional modules. The data are partitioned by low-pass filtering and the low-frequency portion is interpolated. The high-frequency (HF) portion of the data is then reconstructed for the interpolated traces. The data are partitioned into small windows in which the interpolation is performed. The windows are then pieced back together to create the final interpolated section. The task of partitioning and re-assembling the data is performed by Claerbout's subroutine patch() Claerbout (1992b).

The whole interpolation scheme can be divided into five discrete modules:

The cubing operation is used simply to enrichen the spectral content of the interpolated low-frequency data so that the shaping filter can be applied. It was chosen since it is a low order polynomial power which preserves polarity. In a more general formulation the fifth, seventh, etc. powers could be used. Even powers could also be used by forming something like $\vert f_{low}(t)\vert\times f_{low}(t)$ so that polarity is preserved.
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