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Lab measurements of rock properties can be important in integrating borehole logging data and surface seismic data in order to map changes in lithology, pore geometry or fluid saturation in a reservoir. We made measurements on lab core samples of dry and saturated Massillon sandstone. We obtained the following dry rock velocity values: dry = 2918 $\pm$ 32 m/s and dry = 1731 $\pm$ 99 m/s, and water-saturated rock velocities of wet = 3380 $\pm$ 78 m/s and wet = 1744 $\pm$ 201 m/s, respectively. We also tested Gassmann's prediction of saturated velocity from the dry rock measurements, and found that Gassmann's relation gave significantly incorrect and potentially misleading results, on the order of 20% less than lab measured saturated velocities.

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Stanford Exploration Project