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The following Fortran subroutine implements the Viterbi algorithm:

	subroutine rviterbi(n1,n2,npath,in,out,qqsum,qqmin)
c  ------------------------------------
c		find the shortest-path with viterbi algorithm
c  ------------------------------------
c	n1,n2				dimension of the array
c	npath				number of allowed paths
c	in				input array
c	qqsum,qqmin			auxiliary array
c	out				output array
c  ------------------------------------
	implicit none

integer n1,n2,i1,i2 integer npath,ipath integer i2min,i2max,npathh,ipathmin,ipathmax integer i2pick,i2newpick real minvalue real in(n1,n2) real qqsum(n1,n2),qqmin(n2) real out(n1)

npathh = (npath-1)/2 c VITERBI ALGORITHM c forward error accumulation call zero(n2,qqmin) call zero(n1*n2,qqsum) do i2 = 1,n2 qqsum(1,i2) = in(1,i2) enddo do i1 = 2,n1 do i2 = 1,n2 qqmin(i2) = 1.e+30 enddo do ipath = -npathh,npathh i2min = max(1,1-ipath) i2max = min(n2,n2-ipath) do i2 = i2min,i2max qqmin(i2) = min(qqmin(i2),qqsum(i1-1,i2+ipath)) enddo enddo do i2 = 1,n2 qqsum(i1,i2) = qqmin(i2)+in(i1,i2) enddo enddo

c backward tracing i1 = n1 i2pick = (n2-1)/2 minvalue = qqsum(i1,i2pick) do i2 = 1,n2 if(qqsum(i1,i2) .lt. minvalue)then i2pick = i2 minvalue = qqsum(i1,i2pick) endif enddo out(i1) = real(i2pick) do i1 = n1-1,1,-1 minvalue = 1.e+30 if(qqsum(i1,i2pick) .le. minvalue)then minvalue = qqsum(i1,i2pick) i2newpick = i2pick endif ipathmin = max(-npathh,1-i2pick) do ipath = ipathmin,-1 if(qqsum(i1,i2pick+ipath) .lt. minvalue)then minvalue = qqsum(i1,i2pick+ipath) i2newpick = i2pick+ipath endif enddo ipathmax = min(npathh,n2-i2pick) do ipath = 1,ipathmax if(qqsum(i1,i2pick+ipath) .lt. minvalue)then minvalue = qqsum(i1,i2pick+ipath) i2newpick = i2pick+ipath endif enddo i2pick = i2newpick out(i1) = real(i2pick) enddo

return end


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