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For a medium that can be described (or approximated) by elliptically anisotropic velocities (with vertical and horizontal symmetry axes), the traveltime between two points separated by a vertical distance z and a horizontal distance x is given by  
t^2 = M^x \: x^2 + M^z \: z^2,\end{displaymath} (1)
where Mx and Mz are the squared horizontal and vertical slownesses. If the medium is heterogeneous, this equation is valid either within each cell or within each layer (if a layered description is appropriate) of the model. The inversion problem can be formulated as the search for the model (Mxj,Mzj), for all layers j, that minimizes the objective function  
{\cal F} = \sum_{i=1}^N 
 \left( t_{i} - t^{\prime}_{i} \right)^2,\end{displaymath} (2)
where N is the number of source-receiver pairs, ti is the measured traveltime corresponding to source-receiver index i, and $t^{\prime}_{i}$is the traveltime predicted by the perturbed model.

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Stanford Exploration Project