If we have two waves with different apparent velocities that interfere with
each other, then it is reasonable to apply wave-field continuation into the
homogeneous model because these waves can be separated as a result of
propagation in a continued field. The consideration is very simple.
If both waves are
observed in the interval and the k-th one
has travel time
see Figure
a), then as the result of forward
continuation into the medium with velocity,
vc<min{v1,v2,} we obtain waves with eiconals
The choice of velocity vc does not depend on the velocity
in the true model of the medium, but only on the condition
of wave resolution. We have time resolution if
(where T0 is the duration of the pulse) and spatial
resolution if
. It is very easy to derive
proper conditions in terms of z, a,v1, v2 and Vc. For
example, we have spatial resolution if
. But we shall not
develop these considerations since there are more powerful
solution. Let us return to the condition Vc <min{V1,
V2}. Does it have a sense to refuse from the condition?
Let one of the waves be nondesirable (for example, one which has less value of
apparent velocity: v2 < v1 ).
Then the best choice of the velocity for continuation is v=vc:v2
<vc<v1. It is well known that apparent velocity is always more than
the velocity in the medium. When v=vc, then the wave with
velocity v2<vc will not be continued into a medium at all! To be
exact, it will propagate in the model as an evanescent wave (along the surface
)whose amplitude very quickly (exponentially) diminishes with increasing |z|.
In fact, the operators act as fan filters for the fan of
In order to improve the quality of resolution, we can
introduce preliminary time shifts .Afterward waves have new apparent velocities
and v'2 =vn. Now we may apply the operator
at vc<vn. The big advantage of this approach is that it
is not necessary that apparent velocities v1 and v2
(or v'1 and v'2) not be constant along a profile.
The only essential condition is v1(x)<vc<v2(x).
The Figure illustrates interference analysis for the
situation when V1 changes in the interval (5 km/s, 6.3 km/s) and
V2 changes in the interval (3 km/s, 4.1 km/s).
a shows the original record,
b shows
the result of standard fan filtration in the velocity fan (4.6 km/s, 7.1 km/s),
and Figure
c shows the result of the forward
continuation with Vc = 4.9 km/s.